09-13-2024, 09:40 PM
I think Trump was useful in breaking the hold the MSM has over Americans (still far too many take it as the gospel). I haven't had any reason to watch Fox since Tucker left. (not that I watched much of it anyway, I haven't had cable TV since like 2014, but Tucker Tonight was usually worth watch online wherever someone posted it). I know lots of republicans who feel the same way.
The fact is, you can't get anyone to believe something else until they willfully stop believing in what they do. They have to stop believing in the MSM. There are many, many more people skeptical of what gets sent out over the airwaves today, than there were in 2008.
I'd say it's a waste to believe in Trump, but for a lot of folks (like myself) this is bigger than Trump (he would disagree with me, but whatever), and I see the potential here. The only question is whether we will (or even can) take advantage of it. Or, maybe we'll just overdose on black-pills, as media script-readers creep their way back towards regaining credibility.
But as I said, it's a very fragile thing. One false-flag and they're back in business.
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