09-01-2024, 10:07 PM
We've got a more rural system, I guess. We did get food donations, though.
Most of us where I'm at were just frustrated with the lack of information or inaccurate information from the CDC. They were trying at first to say the virus was spread by droplet. I asked one of the ER docs (who has been at it a long time, and I consider to be our best and brightest doctor) if it was airborne, he says without hesitation, of course it was. It took the CDC almost a full year to admit that it was an airborne virus.
Eventually the attitude towards the CDC was disgust. At the very least, they were 'supposed to be' the experts. But the memos they released were so contradictory to what we were seeing with our own eyes. I doubt we would have mandated masks where I'm at, if not for Biden pushing the OSHA route. The supreme court relented and said that he couldn't do that, except for healthcare workers (I guess because medicare money flows to hospitals, they consider us government assets, and that was the metric they used to make it mandatory).
I will say, to our hospital's credit, my exemption was granted without fuss.
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