• nobody's_hero's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 08:21 AM
    It paints a somewhat funny mental image IMO that America might be saved by a functional autistic rocket science geek wandering around Washington D.C. going, "and what's in this filing cabinet?"
    115 replies | 3201 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 12:00 AM
    Some states have them (though they don't specifically call them "sovereign wealth funds"). Utah, Texas, Idaho. I'm not crazy about the idea. It supposes the government (or some 3rd party board using money that isn't theirs , investing on behalf of the government) is a good judge of worthy investments. (Think back to the 2008 bailouts and government buying up shares of AIG, when AIG should have been bought up at fire sale prices by a more competent competitor). That was basically a sort of unofficial sovereign wealth fund—though in that case, operating for the sole purpose of buying up failing financial institutions. I'd hope that any actual SWF created would be investing based on solid forecasts rather than desperation, but those hopes are pretty low, so yeah—not crazy about the idea. At some point, the taxpayer seed money is supposed to be cycled back out and the fund becomes self-sufficient. It doesn't sound too bad of an idea, in theory, and in lots of countries it seems to work. But, with our politicians in D.C.? Ehhh . . .
    15 replies | 671 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 11:20 PM
    The thing is, these other countries know what the RPF free traders absolutely refuse to admit: The trade war has been going on for a looooonnnnng time. It's just been one-sided. We've been stuck in a ring with the rest of the world throwing punches at us, and Trump just slid the USA a pair of boxing gloves between the ropes. Now, when America starts swinging, you can bet your sweet a** that everyone's gonna point their fingers and start screaming that we started it. But, they know that's not the case, and they can't really beat down on us too much harder than they already have been. So . . . their only choice is to back off.
    74 replies | 2006 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 11:24 AM
    That could be as simple as firing ATF officials. Fastly 'n' furiously.
    74 replies | 2006 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:56 AM
    I'm guessing probably a lot of them since they have much of their investments overseas (with the exception of the Medical/Military industrial complex which is America's claim to fame).
    74 replies | 2006 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 11:33 PM
    Reckon I could get a good price on clearing my lot? Got some timber, I mean.
    15 replies | 505 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 11:15 PM
    More to do with bitcoin mining, IIRC. People burning up perfectly good cards for 40 cents/day. It was a stupid craze. I had to wait nearly a year to get a new graphics card because there were simply none to be found, and I wasn't going to pay what the scalpers were asking. The demand was there, even with tariffs. The supply wasn't. (I guess if you got into mining early enough, you made decent money but that's kind of the case with all things bitcoin. It's the latecomers who end up holding the bag. )
    68 replies | 2159 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 08:26 AM
    Hot take: Maybe they've been going on for a while, and it's just that no other country is used to America fighting back. Remember folks, tariffs are only bad when we do it.
    68 replies | 2159 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-31-2025, 10:53 PM
    Best close-up I've found of the incident so far: 1885411223057162259 Keep in mind that both aircraft were on their flight paths for longer than these cropped videos show. I'm no pilot but I just don't see how the helicopter pilot couldn't see the plane to his left, and even just 30 seconds before impact start taking evasive maneuvers. The pilot I could understand not having as many options because he's set up for landing on final approach, I suppose, and the helicopter is a bit harder to see.
    91 replies | 3807 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-30-2025, 08:46 AM
    I almost think it was intentional, crazy as it is to say that. Regardless of instruments or whether he was even in the wrong place, there's no way the chopper pilot couldn't see those landing lights off his left.
    91 replies | 3807 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 07:57 AM
    History.com puts the estimated deportations by Eisenhower at 1.3 million. https://www.history.com/news/operation-wetback-eisenhower-1954-deportation (not a great article, you can almost feel the leftist bias in it) Self-deportation is probably going to make up the bulk of those exiting the US. Trump is doing a pretty good job of sending a message that he's serious about it, which will have downstream effects, even these initial numbers are lower.
    84 replies | 8646 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-28-2025, 01:22 PM
    I kind of doubt those numbers, honestly.
    84 replies | 8646 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-25-2025, 05:30 PM
    Maybe not, but having a sitting president throw the idea out there is something I suppose. And he actually makes a very republican case for it. Let the states handle it. Get rid of the middle man in D.C.
    7 replies | 292 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-22-2025, 03:26 PM
    Audio quality is quite bad, Ron Paul mentions some work being done in the studio so I don't think the sound equipment is set-up well: 1882168898734428497 Also this website seems to be having a stroke. I had to log in and refresh 2-3 times to get this to post.
    0 replies | 494 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-22-2025, 02:29 PM
    Can you think of an example where we've ever tried it? I personally can't think of any example where the liberty folks have ever slipped a mole into the establishment, period. It's ALWAYS been the other way around. Granted, Tulsi would generally be a bad choice for that role. Too much history being in favor of our rights. Too much of an axe to grind with the deep state for slapping her on the Quiet Skies watch list.
    22 replies | 8029 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-22-2025, 12:16 PM
    In all seriousness, Trump is doing his best to blow it with this AI-guided mRNA nonsense, and the concept is rightfully getting ripped to shreds by multitudes of MAGA social media accounts on Twitter. Someone light up the Kennedy Bat-signal. Need him to get in there and thump Trump in the back of the head. Maybe it's some 2,345-D chess. Shove an obvious CIA goon out on stage and let him try to sell 'cancer curing' vaccines to the American public with COVID fresh in our minds, then 'open the animal pen gates at the Coliseum' so the American people can rip them to shreds.
    37 replies | 2408 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    37 replies | 2408 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 06:18 PM
    And there are plenty of economic issues that are more relatable to the average American than the plight of (quasi-nationalized) corporations that willfully cooperated with contacts in government in a mutually beneficial scheme to diminish the free speech rights of any and all contrary opinion-holders for the last 4 years. I mean, it's just not something that rallies people around the flag, ya know?
    53 replies | 932 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 05:55 PM
    FWIW, I agree with you on this. I just don't think Big Pharma qualifies to be viewed as some innocent private corporation trying its darn'dest to work independently of Big Government (I'm trying not to laugh as I type that out) and thus I do not weep when someone in said government (like a Kennedy) flips the dagger around and holds it at their throat. Sleep with dogs. Get fleas. EDIT: I hope that answers your latest question. Or at least, further helps you understand my point of view. In 2020, we ALL witnessed one of the largest concerted propaganda campaigns this country has ever witnessed, between the forces of Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Media. As far as I'm concerned, that level of coordination DOES NOT HAPPEN organically in a free market and thus, as far as I'm concerned, these corporations whose rights you are losing sleep over, are already, DE FACTO, nationalized. (and . . . they LOVE IT)
    53 replies | 932 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 05:42 PM
    I do not agree with your initial premise that there was no cooperative effort between the Biden administration and Zuckerberg in their efforts to censor or diminish opposing viewpoints (via stamping them with 'fact-checks') during the COVID epidemic, so I'm going to have to disregard your follow up question as a sort of out-of-place red-herring. (that may not be how you intended it, but I'm simply pointing out that if we do not agree on the fundamentals of your assertion, then the question you pose is rather moot)
    53 replies | 932 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 05:25 PM
    I look at it from a perspective of RFK,jr making good on his intention to disembowel the corruption that is the revolving door between Big Pharma and the FDA, from within, and at this point, I'm honestly just curious to see what happens. I mean, hopefully I don't end up with poison in my food—oh wait, liability shielding for harmful long-term effects of medicati—already happening you say? Censorship of research that runs contrary to the findings of scientists hired by Big Pharma—d'oh that's already happening too?! I know I'm losing all kinds of liberty-credit score for 'principle' at this time but honestly at this point, yeah, f'k it. Have at it, Mr. Kennedy.
    53 replies | 932 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 05:19 PM
    Pretty sure the Zuckerbucks pumped into the great ballot harvest of 2020 suspiciously makes it willful cooperation but okay.
    53 replies | 932 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 05:10 PM
    57 replies | 2423 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 04:29 PM
    I don't know that I would argue that, specifically. But, for me it's kind of like the Facebook example. Remember when everyone here was sh*tting blood all over themselves because Facebook's "private" free-speech rights were being threatened, and a couple of us were like, but . . . they're in bed with the government? And it turns out, they was indeed. Multiply that by 1,000 for Big Pharma.
    53 replies | 932 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 04:12 PM
    I think it diminishes the importance of doctors' discretion when Big Pharma is allowed to market directly to the patient. "Ask your doctor if is right for you." Why do I have to be the one to ask my doctor, and not my doctor recommending it to me? If the medicine works so great, wouldn't my doctor already be aware of it? Maybe my doctor doesn't own a TV. Also, did I go to medical school? I don't remember. This is gonna be another one of those hard sells to the broader American public. It's really difficult for people to get animated about the plight of Mega Medicine Corporatocracy. Of all the things I can relate to . . . . yeah that's not one.
    53 replies | 932 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 02:58 PM
    This. It sucks, but there was a video of immigrants breaking down in tears because almost immediately the door got slammed shut in their face. Mind you, if we had actually had any semblance of actual border control for the past 4 years, such drastic measures would likely not be necessary. As it stands, it is vitally important that the message is sent that this. stops. now. Let word get back to Central & South America that there won't be any more turning-the-blind-eye. Stop telling your friend's 7th and 8th cousins that you know a guy who knows a gal who can get them waved in through a side door. Let the message get all the way back to where the migrant caravans originate so they can stop before they start.
    57 replies | 2423 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 02:49 PM
    I was kind of thinking the same thing. I would have added a specification that if there's not enough room at the office for them to physically return to work that their positions would be terminated, lol. Welcome back to the office, everyone. We're going to start the workday off with a rousing game of musical chairs.
    57 replies | 2423 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 11:43 AM
    There's definitely a spiritual battle going on. That I cannot argue.
    13 replies | 632 view(s)
  • nobody's_hero's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 11:35 AM
    I had a similar thought. I wasn't gonna open myself up to the forum flaming because lately I have had so very little energy for it. My thought was basically: Joe Biden placed his hand on the Bible. The gesture of putting one's hand on the Bible either means something, or it doesn't. And if you think it means something, and you have any doubt that you can keep your oath, then perhaps it is better NOT to involve a compact with the Almighty.
    13 replies | 632 view(s)
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