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  • susano's Avatar
    08-21-2024, 11:27 PM
    I haven't read it because it's over 900 pages!
    111 replies | 7038 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    08-20-2024, 10:07 PM
    I'm not comfortable with anything, lol. The charming lady and RFK Jr don't stand a chance of having any near future impact about anything. They may influence a few minds, though. The problem is that there are zillions of competing ideas vs people in the parties who are really serious about power and winning at any cost. Note that Nancy Pelosi just released a book called "The Art of Power", which sums her up perfectly. The psychopaths always come out on top because they want it so much and every fiber of their being is dedicated to winning. The mass people, every four years, go on about "change" and the only change that happens is things get worse. I listened to a little of the Democrap convention and it's just scary how over the top enthralled those NPCs are. They scream for every speaker like each one is the Beatles. Then we have Trump claiming Taylor Swift is supporting him. FFS. It's all one big clown show and getting more extreme and bizarre every day. I don't think things are gonna turn out well in our lifetimes. The ONLY reason I can think of to vote is to keep the commies at bay.
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  • susano's Avatar
    08-20-2024, 06:55 PM
    My favorite historical subject. I'll drop this here, as well as it provides valuable background and is consistent with extant material I've read written by eyewitnesses/participants. It's three parts, all readable with subscribing though I did subscribe because he's done such a great job: I’ve decided to write this brief summary of the Russian Revolution just so that readers of this Substack, at least, can understand where I’m coming from when I post about one of my main areas of interest: The Russian Civil War (1917-1921). I was inspired to do this after I wrote a summary of the Kuban Ice March for a post that reproduced a 1918 pamphlet describing that event and the early development of the anti-communist White Army. Historical documents are tricky because, even if the documents are interesting, the authors (understandably) assumed that readers would know about things that, 100+ years later and several continents away, they don’t necessarily know about. Even a bit of background knowledge can add a lot to peoples’ understanding of these documents. Some notes on this essay: I’m not trying to write a comprehensive history of the period or provide details on all aspects of Russian political life. I will be writing a few of these summaries over the next few months and I have a vague plan to introduce other subjects when they’re more relevant to the main drama. For instance, I don’t mention the Socialist Revolutionary Party, the Kadets, the Menshiviks, or other major political players in pre- and post-Revolution Russia in this essay. They’re all important, I’ll bring them up later, but my main goal here is to create an accessible narrative that the average person walking off the street can understand without much background knowledge. I’m not a professional historian, I work in marketing and dropped out of a film studies program in Canada after one semester, but I do read a lot of this stuff. If you’re looking for a more in-depth examination of the Russian Revolution, I strongly recommend Sean McMeekin’s book The Russian Revolution: A New History. That is, without a doubt, the best summary of these events out there. It’s very well-written and easy to understand. Everyone should read it.
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  • susano's Avatar
    08-20-2024, 06:43 PM
    Yes, she is cute. Adorable. First time I've heard. Got about 20 mins and they're talking Bitcoin as a possible solution. I dunno.
    78 replies | 4418 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    08-20-2024, 06:14 PM
    Made it nine minutes and that's all I could stand. Left it with him talking about restoring constitution protections while arguing for the continuation of a completely unconstitutional, unaccountable, forth branch of government, the intelligence community. I never liked the Heritage Foundation, anyway.
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    They closed the thread before I was able to respond to you, so I just wanted to say, I agree with all of your concerns about Rand Paul. I still think he's better than the other options, but he isn't my ideal. I'm most likely going to vote for him, but I don't blame people who won't. And if I was still going to live in NYS in 2016 (I'm moving to Virginia for college, which as we know is a swingy state) I would be less likely to vote for him. Even still, if the LP candidate is too good to pass up (Someone more like Harry Browne than Gary Johnson... the latter of which was more of a lesser of five evils) I would consider voting for them.
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    wow these forums are being slowly populated by NeoCons.
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    hmmmm, sorry, thought I was in the PM box....
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'Here......Once again, we have gathered in the depths of a small Cotswold town called Stow-On-the Wold, among the town and country folk, we can witness the lesser spotted Karens, going about other peoples business, in their natural habitat'.......

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