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  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    02-07-2025, 11:33 AM
    This is where my two problems lie. I know that my interpretation of the Founders' vision for America is different from your, according to our exchanges in other threads, anyway, but I'd like to toss my two cents into the pile for whatever it's worth. My first problem is that I don't believe a foreign government should be taking it upon itself to dictate the lives of others. I mean, we as libertarians don't want the government forcibly moving us, temporary or permanently, so why be okay with them doing it to others? The United States shouldn't be sticking its nose into that mess at all, as far as I'm concerned, but relocating people to foreign lands (and why are we going to hoist this problem onto other people? We shouldn't be forcing other governments or their citizens to put up with this) isn't something we have the power to do. I know, I know, Trump makes his money in real estate and development, but this still isn't something he should have the power to do, and I say that as someone who voted for Trump and like a lot of what he's done since taking office. The second thing I have a problem with is that 'temporary' usually becomes 'permanent' when it comes to government things. Like all those bases that were just going to be temporary and all we've done since WWII is expand them. A lot of temporary policies, structures, or other decisions quickly fall into the quagmire of permanency, often with the citizens of other countries being left to deal with what we've dropped into their laps. I think this is the reason Trump doesn't suggest they temporarily relocate to America: they very quickly could become a longterm problem of ours. That being said, I'm hopeful that this is just posturing on Trump's part, kind of like the tariffs seem to be. That's not to say he doesn't have any teeth behind what he says, but I think Trump is good at making big plans just to bring people to the negotiating table. If that's all this is, I'm a little more optimistic. If not, I think we could have a major problem.
    116 replies | 1976 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 06:21 PM
    Tulsi got through, too!
    34 replies | 2672 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 05:07 AM
    This exactly. If I could give more reputation, I would. Trump is bad on monetary policy, period. This is likely because he comes from the world of business, not politics, and he's used to strong-arming his way to victory. He lives in a world where you can silence your critics and enemies through favors or by being tough as nails and stubborn. These things have worked out for him in the past, and I certainly have a disdain for career politicians who are making huge decisions in areas such as tech or healthcare when they themselves know almost nothing about these things. I suppose it's like when ballistic knives were banned. They knew nothing about such knives, but all it took was a cop saying they could potentially get through a bullet-proof vest and Congress was ready to legislate them away. Congress is good at looking at snippets of information about issues they don't understand and then writing terrible policy based on those snippets, so I'm not defending them in any way. It's just that Trump has the opposite problem: he's not enough of a politician to understand how his power really works or how to use it and tries to apply to rules of business to his new job.
    74 replies | 1957 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    02-02-2025, 09:29 AM This is just one article. Falling down the rabbit hole on this one is fun. They're actually believed to be connected to around eight deaths now. The entire thing started when 'Ziz' blamed transphobia for not being allowed into a rationalist group so he started his own, recruited a bunch of techie trans and other gender-specials, and now they're basically the Transon Family.
    481 replies | 63425 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    02-01-2025, 01:00 PM
    Willing to bet the man in the video is using a ton of filters. Usually if you catch candid photos of a lot of these types, they don’t look they do on social media.
    32 replies | 1410 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 06:37 PM
    There are two things to take into consideration: 1. The way I read this EO is that it applies to more than illegals. It sounds like green card holders and visa holders can be deported, too. 2. The rights outlined in the Bill of Rights apply to all people, regardless of nationality. They are natural rights, not privileges. They were put there, in the Constitution, not to say that these rights were for American citizens but that they were given by God to all people and our government was simply being the first to acknowledge them as inviolate. As such, even illegals have the right to freedom of speech.
    17 replies | 2217 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    01-29-2025, 05:56 PM
    The Israelis are our true masters. I don’t know exactly how we got here, though. Religious fervor turned policy and exploited by Israel? Our one fledgling but increasingly interventionist foreign policy being in desperate need of allies in the Middle East? I don’t know, but for whatever reason the Jews are untouchable by our government’s measure. I didn’t expect Trump to be any different, but this is an extreme infringement of the First Amendment.
    17 replies | 2217 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 06:27 PM
    Yes! Trump is, so far, being a little better about keeping promises.
    92 replies | 5969 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    01-21-2025, 01:03 PM
    So far, I'm very happy with Trump's first couple of days. I do have something to add to the bad list, though: his capital punishment reforms. Let's subsidize government murder!
    57 replies | 2407 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    01-20-2025, 03:19 PM
    Aaaand... DOGE is already being sued.
    66 replies | 3131 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    01-20-2025, 12:47 PM
    Time to redo it! On the plus side, Reddit is having a field day.
    66 replies | 3131 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    01-20-2025, 08:19 AM
    I'm so confused. Wouldn't pre-emptive pardoning undermine the assumption of innocence? Is that legal?
    15 replies | 635 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    01-19-2025, 06:32 PM
    Cops seem to like abusing teen girls. And dogs. This dog was sent to live with relatives because he became so reactive after this.
    371 replies | 94102 view(s)
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