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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 02:49 PM
    I am sorry to hear that, honestly. There's still some refuge in NH. Come visit.
    855 replies | 104971 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 02:04 PM
    I was in between Nashville and Birmingham at the time and I don't disagree.
    14 replies | 373 view(s)
  • Dr.3D's Avatar
    Today, 12:51 PM
    January 6 was a two part project. One group of folks was bussed in to riot and cause mayhem, and the other group walked there while the riot was going on. I suspect the violent part was planned by the democrats and aided by government agencies. They knew there would be protests to the stealing of the vote. At one end of the building, they had a staged riot and damage. At the other end of the building, the doors were open and people were going in as if going on a tour. It was a trap and many got caught in it.
    14 replies | 373 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 10:46 AM 1832524244258848936
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 09:59 AM 1833149612175089725
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 09:43 AM 1832972913470808262
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  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:56 AM
    So one false positive (that I know of) so far and one indictment so far. And this indictment is a federal indictment in the Northern District of Albama which, as I pointed out to Swordsmyth, is still occupied by a Trump appointee. See:,and%20from%20Guatemala%20in%202022. We'll see how many of the 3,000 "alien voters" turn out to be false positives, how many turn out to be indictiments, and how many are never resolved one way or the other.
    78 replies | 4043 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:38 AM
    Do you honestly think that multiple people smashing windows of barricaded doors is the equivalent of moving a podium around as in the OP video which pretends none of that even happened? And I've explained this to you before but you have selective amnesia. Had she been allowed to come through and the cop arrested her others could have climbed through when he was dealign with her. He should have kicked or shoved or punched her back through the window instead of shooting her, but it wasn't as clear cut as you try to pretend. And the fact that it was a "95% functional barracade" (your words) is enough proof that they had no business trying to cross it in the first place, let alone smashing the windows to try to cross it. That's the point. The Babylon Bee's spoof is misleading on what happened. I hate Ashli Babbitt died. But to pretend that the protestors smashing windows with clubs and helments were "peaceful" is laughable.
    14 replies | 373 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:31 AM
    I"ve seen video of Ashli Babbit asking the police who were standing in front of the door to let the prostestors through because the protestors were on their side (the police). No I can't find it now but I saw it. Kneeling in the window? Wow. That's some creative word salad. Nobody "kneels in a window." She was crawling through it. Her husband claimed that she was trying to get away from the protestors, which again flies in the face of what she was seen saying to the police. Also as the 3 police who were there walked away she could have gone with them if she was really afraid. Or she could have asked them to stay at their posts if she was really "deployed" at the capitol to work with them. Had they stayed at their posts the windows wouldn't have been smashed and she wouldn't have attempted to crawl through and gotten shot. Seconds before she crawled through the officer that shot her revealed himself and showed his gun. Someone yelled "He's got a gun." That should have been enough warning not to go through the barricade, but she went through anyway. As she got shot there were SWAT officers walking up the steps to replace the officers who left. The officers who left should have stayed at their posts for another few minutes. As for the whole "How many were government hired help?" How many of the violent BLM / antifa protestors were government hired help? That's definitely been proven to have happened. Both sides claim theiir protests where peaceful and blame any violence on government infiltrators. Here's an idea. Don't got ot mass protests if there is any chance there will be violence by anybody and leave as soon as anybody does something stupid. The "Q-Anon shaman" didn't smash any windows but when he entered the capitol he came in through a smashed window when the open door was right next to it. Like, why would anyone think that was okay? I feel sorry for peoiple like Dr. Simone Gold was wasn't even there for to election protest but was speaking about medical freedom and got caught up in the crowd and ended up pleading guilty to two federal misdemeanors. But at least she didn't get stuck with a felony.
    14 replies | 373 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:11 AM
    Am I trying to make you dishonestly move the goal post? No. You're doing that fine on your own. You didn't intially say that the Georgia school shooting got more coverage than a subway shooting. You claimed that the subway shooting got no national coverage. That was provably false. But now you want to pretend I said they got the same amount of coverage when that's not what I said and you know it. You're better than that. Yes. School shootings get more coverage than just about anything that happens. There is a reason for that. It's because they are school shootings. How much more coverage did the white Irish girls stabbed by a Muslim person of color get than the Georgia school shootings? A hell of a lot more and you know it. Rather than focusing on the real story here, that school resource officers stopped this from being another Uvalde by taking the shooter down without even kiling him, you want to strangely make this about whether or not a white killer gets more coverage than a black killer focusing on the race of the killer rather than the innocence of the victims. No sane person, and I am questioning your sanity at this point, expects the reaction of the random murders of children to not get the same level of coverage as the killing of homeless adults. I even pointed out to you that when two white men murdered a black woman in Nashville Tennessee by pushing her into the Cumberland River while she was sleeping that got ZERO national coverage! Based on your twisted racial view of the world that should have been 24/7 coverage for weeks because "racist white men murdered a black woman they didn't even know in her sleep." But nope. No coverage. None whatsover except on the local news. But you don't want to talk about that because it's not fitting your narrative.
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Today, 08:01 AM you're down to straight up dishonest? I really thought better of you. You made a mistake when you falsely claimed your subway shooting story was only local when it was coverened nationally. I don't know why you can't just own up to your mistake instead of trying to change the subject. You are, or at least were, better than that. Last year's shooting of the "sweet 16" birthday party got a lot of coverage too and it wasn't an election year. And I never said this shooting wasn't getting more coverage than it deserved as Brian4Liberty is saying. So why do you feel the need to make up stuff?
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 07:43 AM 1832862269413237214
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 06:54 AM 1833101796572815808
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 06:04 AM 1832732763662717438
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  • donnay's Avatar
    Today, 02:29 AM
    Jeremiah 17:7-8 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:26 PM 1832967676525682895
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:05 PM 1832879118637211750
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  • Dr.3D's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:06 PM
    Somebody brought rocks to a gunfight?
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:07 PM
    There's no massive, non stop, day after day coverage of this. That's all in your head. jmdrake and TheCount say so. :p
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:04 PM
    Are you really going to try and make me time the amount of air time the Chicago shooter got as compared to the time that has been devoted to the GA school shooter? When the answer is easily 99 to 1? Like I had to do to analyze the GVA database to extract the ethnicity of the mass shooters listed, to find out all along I was right? Or explain again how an all black school with strong black teachers can instill discipline and respect that go a long towards reducing school crime, bullying and shootings? Brother, I've got other stuff to do.
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:04 AM
    They knew what would happen if some actually tried to come through the barracade. Apparently Ashley Babbit couldn't figure that out. Edit: Look at this CNN reporter chuckle about being shot with a bb pellet when BLM protestors were assaulting CNN center and he was behind a wall of police. Again, both sides discount their own violence.
    14 replies | 373 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:57 AM
    One more thing Anti Federalist. You want to call me out on not commenting on every point you've made in this thread, but you've yet to comment on the fact that you were proven absolutely false in your assertion that the subway shooter did not get national coverage and TheCount was shown to be correct that the victims were most likely homeless. Your whole narrative, that somehow coverage of mass shooting is based on race, is BS.
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:54 AM
    The actual scariest moment of January 6. It's funny how the left tries to pretend all of the BLM protestors were peaceful and not of the January 6th protestors were and the right tries to pretend all of the January 6th protestors were peaceful and none of the BLM protestors were. Here's an idea. If you're smashing windows and trying to go places that are barracaded, whether they are department stores or the part of the capitol where congress had just been evacuated, maybe you aren't peaceful. Just a thought.
    14 replies | 373 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:47 AM
    What the hell does that have to do with school shootings? Answer, absolutely positively nothing. That said, HBCUs don't have to deal with teacher's unions. I remember when Don Seigalman was running for governer of Alabama at the time. He actually showed up at my HBCU and nobody was there but me. So he asked me what I would like to see happen for our state. I told him "Do something about K-12 education." He was like "I hadn't thought about that. That's a good idea." He ended up running on an education platform, got elected, and tried to do statewide education reform. The teachers union, which was run by white Paul Hubbard, killed the plan. Mr. Hubbard later ran for governor himself and (thankfully) lost. Most of the Birmingham city K-12 schools are black with an almost completely black student body and almost completely black staff. Why is that? Because the white people broke off from Birmiingham, have their own schools, mayors, police force etc. They thought they were being smart, but they were really being stupid. Matt Collins posted a video recently about the differnces economically between Nashville and Memphis and one of the key differences is Nashville, like Atlanta, has a countywide metropolitian government where as Memphis is a city with a lot of surrounding smaller cities split mostly among racial lines that duplicate all of the services and siphon off the tax base. So Birmingham all black city schools suck and Memphis all black city schools suck. My cousin was a principal at one of those all black schools, ironically named "Robert E. Lee middle school", and through a series of innovations she managed to have her school lbe the only Birmingham school on grade level that was not a magnet school or a charter school. And she had to deal with the teacher's union crap too. So, your question simply isn't intelligent. What you crave so badly, segregated schools, already exists in much of the south. If a black family happens to move into a neighborhood with a mostly white public school, by law their children can't be kept out, but you don't have a lot of white families moving in to the inner city. Even poor whites typically go for trailers in rural areas, though I have met poor whites in the projects at least in Nashville. When I drove the church van at one point I was picking up a members of a poor white family in the projects and them to a black church and yet I noticed they had a confederate flag in their living room. It takes all kinds I guess. Some chick in HS who wanted to date me didn'r realize how much she turned me off with her confedate flag waving. I guess you can be thankful I don't have some mixed race kids like Clarence Thomas. Oh wait. He only had a child with his black wife. I guess he's okay. I haven't had time to go through all of those records but the vast majority of them don't have race. But again that has nothing to do with school shootings. But I get it. You're being defensive over the fact that most school shooters are white people and you're wanting to fall back on black gang bangers killing each other as if that's somehow equivalent. Okay. White gang leaders Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zelensky have killed an estimated 500,000 white people comibined in their stupid war. And Adolf Hitler killed millions of white people. World War 1 was started by white people. World War 2 was started by white people, though Asians dragged America in. And yes the black Hutus killed hundreds of thousands of black Tutsis but they were armed by the white French. People suck. But some people shoot up schools more than others.
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:22 AM
    The ratios of school shootings are not close because they are overwhelmingly white people killing white people. Most of the cases of black people killing white people are crime related. (Drug deals going bad, car jackings etc). It's not some random black person walking into a church and opening fire for....reasons. Not saying that never happens, but it's not typical. Nobody on this forum was trying to make this story about white people until you tried to make it about black people by talking about a totally unrelated shooting and falsely claiming that shooting wasn't getting national coverage when it fact it is.
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:20 AM
    Maybe not with what you said, but the reason why the things occurred that formed your comment are certainly based on rations and proportionality. Ratios are critical, if the ratio of population to mass shooters (or murders of any kind) were the same between black and white, then obviously there would be no argument to made. But they are far from the same.
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:16 AM
    If HBCU students do much better at all black colleges, why would they not do better at all black high schools and grammar schools? The other was not so much a question but a comment on the number of black mass shooters compared to white mass shooters, as I dig deeper in the GVA records of mass shootings that you posted.
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • jmdrake's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:07 AM
    Sorry. Which two specifically? I know I answered your question about the white transgender teacher verses the picture of the black man studying with the child. The question itself is incompent because there are black transgenders and straight white people. What's the other question? And what do any of your question have to do with school shootings?
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:00 AM
    If the ratios of blacks committing murder and whites committing murder were even close, then you would have a case that there were inaccurate or unfair assumptions being made about "root causes". But they are not, the ratios are not even close.
    113 replies | 2964 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:51 AM
    And you didn't bother with two of my questions... Thomas Sowell, of course.
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by TER on 09-17-2018 at 04:30 PM
Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post
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No it isn’t.
Yes it is. The intellect is the part of soul which studies and understands God's WORD. There is also a mortal soul and a immortal soul.
You said the intellect was the spirit. You are now changing definitions.

Also, there are not two souls
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