Yesterday, 08:26 PM
Yes, Israel should all leave. Remove itself entirely from the middle east. Everything would be much better. God kicked them out, it was prophesied. What right do they have to return? Even Hasidic Jews acknowledge this point. Politically they are an occupying force that injected itself into a freshly emancipated Ottoman empire. Spiritually they have denied their own messiah. Not sure what exact "right" they have to be there.
Where would they go?
The same place all the Iraqi's, Syrians, and all the other war refugees the American/Israeli alliance created (who managed not to get slaughtered in indiscriminate bombing) when they waged their illegal wars...."somewhere else".
If "Oct. 7th lies at the feet of Palestinians" doesn't the Iraq War and all the illegal shit we've done in Syria/Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya lie at your feet and the feet of all American's who "let it happen"?
You seem to be under the post-911 terrorist boogey-man trance, that all the evil in the world is caused by rapist Muslim 18yr old psychopaths, hopped up on Captagon tablets and yearning for white sex slaves.
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