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  • Working Poor's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:00 AM
    I smell mold on a lot of cannabis type products. I won't smoke it if it smells like mold. I have noticed the smell of mold on pot for about 25 years I quit smoking it for a long time because of it. I just smoke a little hemp occasionally to relax.I found a supplier that does a good job of keeping the mold out of their product. I think a lot of people don't know what mold smells like on cannabis Like I said I have smelled a lot of mold I have walked into stores that are opening the jar for someone else and I am not that close to the jar and smell the mold on it. A lot of people seem to be okay with it but I am not.
    15 replies | 825 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 11:41 AM
    What if the deal was Trump would allow Ron to end the FED?
    8 replies | 721 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 05:47 AM
    Yea well there are a lot of stupid people for sure.
    15 replies | 825 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 05:43 AM
    so if it was sold for 25 cents a pill whoever is selling it would 800% profit. Instead people who are trying to make us think that they are being benevolent are sell it10,00% profit or more. Which makes me think they are thinking more about their wallet than the health of as many people that they can reach. To me the only way to get rid of the disease is to make as many people well as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. I am all for anyone selling a product to make money for sure I am. If what you say is true about the wholesale price then I hope that someone who can get it will put it out there for people who cannot afford the price. All these cities giving away free clean needles ought to be giving doses of ivermectin. Because probably many people who are homeless are probably so eaten up with parasites that they can't think right even if they tried. I know I know nobody wants us to be well they only want mo money. pluck you Dr. Peter McCullough
    15 replies | 743 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 05:15 AM
    As a person with a very sensitive sense of smell I haven't ever been around any pot smoke that smelled like cat piss. I have smelled some stuff called skunk weed but I would not smoke it. I don't smoke it if it makes me cough on the first hit. Some people think that if it makes you cough that means it is good. I think it means that your body is saying I don't want this it is hurting me...A lot of people are kinda hell bent on destroying themselves.
    15 replies | 825 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 05:04 AM
    I agree that it is a really good medicine that should be in everyone's home. It is safe for people who are not idiots. But as one who has bought it in both animal and human for I can tell you that the human version is not cheap at least not in any place I can find it. I have kept horse paste around for years to give to my dogs. I never thought about taking it myself until this covid stuff hit. I then bought 100 12 mg pills from for $120 that I cut in 4 pieces and took once a week.I gave some to a few other people who wanted it. I was going to order more from them but they changed their policy to force people to create an account at some social media site and then do all this other stuff that made no sense to me. i have seen other sites selling 30 pills in 3mg doses for $120 + you have to fill out a form and pay a consultation fee of $120 to me that does not seem to be a reasonable price when in other countries you can buy the same amount for under $1 per pill otc. I don't think someone should have to go thru so much rigamaroll to get it. it ought to be available to anyone especially since Bill Gates is releasing infected mosquitoes into the USA. It is good and safe but it ain't cheap but I do think everyone ought to find away to have it available in whatever form they can afford. Canine heart worm medicine also has it in it as well.
    15 replies | 743 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 04:12 AM Will edit this once I’m on desktop so I can format it properly. I’m on mobile and can’t see a way to add quotes or links. Article: A new Department of Justice indictment unsealed on Wednesday accuses a Tennessee-based content company with several high profile right-wing personalities on its roster of being part of a Russian influence operation, working to infiltrate U.S. media with the Kremlin’s propaganda. The indictment does not identify the company by name, “but descriptions in the indictment match those of Tennessee-based Tenet Media,” reported The Tennessean.
    26 replies | 1188 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 05:18 PM
    Trump made hemp legal that is enough for me. Looks like the cartels are into fentanyl now after the loss in marijuana market.
    15 replies | 825 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 06:42 AM
    I think it is wrong for governments to censor the press. I think any media should be able to say whatever they want. Any company has a right to say what they want. The day I realized I was being censored by facebook I closed my account. They are dead to me. They started censoring me years before Trump. RPF is the only social media that does not censor me. People all the time ask me to FB them I say I don't do facebook. There are a lot of people who don't use it. Sometimes I get mad when someone here post a fb link bit I realize that even Ron Paul supporters do FB. I just don't do it.
    71 replies | 2069 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 06:16 AM
    Could or would Rand and Ron make a policy deal with Trump like RFKj did?
    8 replies | 721 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    09-01-2024, 12:46 PM
    Being from Minnesota, I wonder if I’ll see the day the Twin Cities doesn’t vote blue.
    2 replies | 206 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    08-28-2024, 07:53 PM
    Yeah, no way they left a paper trail, and if they thought for one second they’d be made to declassify documents, those documents would magically disappear.
    10 replies | 341 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    08-24-2024, 09:19 PM
    You can listen to the rest of the album here.
    6744 replies | 682824 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    08-23-2024, 10:16 PM
    Media is trying to frame it as a groundbreaking speech.
    112 replies | 4514 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    08-20-2024, 09:45 PM
    Anyone who can listen to Kennedy’s voice can listen to hers, and I hope more people here do. Wonderful conversation!
    78 replies | 3709 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    08-16-2024, 12:24 PM
    Jury nullification is about jurors taking a stand against tyranny.
    268 replies | 22768 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    08-13-2024, 09:58 PM
    All he has to do is bring up her record as prosecutor and attorney general. That killed her campaign the last time, but he’s avoiding it. Calling out obviously corruption and legit bad policies isn’t the same as being ‘soft’ on crime
    7 replies | 326 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    08-13-2024, 06:15 PM
    Getting rid of the Department of Education apparently is something Trump said he would do.[/QUOTE I was in public school before the DOE I am sure I received a better elementary education than the children of today I remember the cold day that God was kicked out of school I still get chills from that. Still they weren't proposing to transitioning your child to the opposite sex. My state was very proud of high graduation and literacy rates
    48 replies | 2230 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    08-12-2024, 09:03 PM
    Why would Vash the Stampede want to stop me from exercising my right to free speech?
    33 replies | 1724 view(s)
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