They've already lost. The Cult has been financed by the Federal Government. The media, academia, ngos, social media, will lose interest when taxpayer funds dry up. Even Soros got taxpayer dollars. They're all squawking now, but when their funding is gone, they'll slink away.
Maybe he'll abolish the ATF Monday. Or wait until March. I can't keep up. All I know is that if he doesn't address everyone of my concerns IMMEDIATELY, he's a fraud.
Ya, nobody believes your cult is anything more than it is, mental illness. Your brief moment is over, stay away from the kids if you want to live out your miserable existence. Or not.
“I think our reverence for the truth might have become a bit of a distraction that is preventing us from finding consensus and getting important things done.” -- Katherine Maher (NPR CEO)
The FAA REFUSED To Hire Qualified Whites
{Actual Justice Warrior | 03 January 2025}
In this video, I discuss an Obama era program at the FAA that actively discriminated against white applicants at the command of The National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees according to a lawsuit.
Article On Lawsuit:
Corrupt "Super Mayor" Gives CRAZY Interview After Brawl
{Actual Justice Warrior | 03 February 2025}
In this video, I discuss a ridiculous interview that the Super Mayor gave to the local news where she denied responsibility for EVERYTHING.
Full Super Mayor Playlist:
Local News Interview:
Angle 1:
"'My kids are trans, my sisters kids are trans, every kid I know is trans…' What are the odds that she’s normal and we are all crazy?" -- Scarlett Johnson
The wise man didn't say that about borders - he said it about border walls.
He actually seems to like borders - and maybe even using troops to secure them.
FTA (bold emphasis added):
Pay attention to US borders, not international borders
Q: Why are you opposed to a system that requires employers to verify the immigration status of their workers?
That just makes it sound even more reasonable.
"GITMO 1" involved the imprisonment of subjects who had not been convicted (or even charged) with any crimes.
Whatever one thinks of Bukele's offer, it is explicitly restricted to "only convicted criminals".
So unless every other prison is "GTIMO", neither is this one.
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