Some people may call that eyewitness reports and alternative media.
But I guess if it doesn't go through the corporate media filters, then it isn't good for you.
Our elections are the most secure in history, even with mail-in-voting.
Also, mail-in-voting is so insecure that "intense security measures" are required - measure which are so "intense", in fact, that they will significantly delay the counting and reporting of results.
IOW: Any cheating will go more smoothly and quickly this time.
Election Results = you’re fucked either way.
Just about everyone here knows this, and knows that they’re not going to vote their way out of this mess.
And yet they still devote an inordinate amount of time, energy (both physical and emotional) and other resources to following, attempting to influence and then bitching and moaning about the “outcome.”
Seems an incredible waste to me.
Their "word"? I'll take their word that they're backing Trump too. Someone's word is stuff they actually do say out loud, dude.
If a promise of a Cabinet post is the only possible possibility you can possibly envision as a motive, your imagination is limited.
The best thing about Trump (and the next-best thing about him - whatever that might be - is not even close to being as good as this) has been his catalysis of the implosion of the credibility of the corporate/"mainstream" press and their self-inflicted exposure as hack frauds. (And that's another thing Ron Paul blazed a trail for.)
New York Times' Pro-War Think Tank Ties EXPOSED: Interview with Journalist Lee Fang
{Glenn Greenwald | 14 September 2024}
New York Times’ Previous Reporting Undermines Its War Escalation Journalism
U.S. Pushes to Censor Russian Media Worldwide While Funding Own Propaganda Campaigns
{Glenn Greenwald | 14 September 2024}
So, you take a sniff, mistake an anti-Fed argument for a minimum wage argument, and jump off board? Do you think victims of inflation and the systematic destruction of manufacturing jobs should be stripped of the right to vote, but corporations should get to vote even though they are things, not people? You say government is the problem, not the corporations, but I don't see you acknowledging who or what it is that is paying the lobbyists to make the particular bribes they make.
Did a delay in response give the gunman more time? Cops face questions over why it took three hours for SWAT teams to storm Orlando nightclub as police chief admits officers may have shot some of the VICTIMS
...Police Chief John Mina has also admitted that some of the victims may have been hit by officers' gun fire.
However he insisted it is a part of the investigation into the horrific attack.
I just can't decide who to vote for in the presidential race. They're both just so perfect! I can't believe it. Things are just going so well I never considered firing the president, but this Romney guy is just such a temptation!
Romney promises us more war. Obama promised us just the opposite, but that's ok, because he saw Dubya's two wars and raised us three police actions. I think that's a wonderful thing, and can't wait for the next one. I heard somewhere that with six you
Once upon a time, there was a thing called the Interstate Commerce Commission. It was founded to prevent kamikaze capitalism amongst railroads in a day when their efficiencies and primitive technology pretty much guaranteed them a monopoly in viable transportation.
The best thing Reagan did, in my opinion, and the one time I felt some hope for a moment that he would prove to be the libertarian he claimed to be, was when he abolished this bureau. But it was a decade too late to save
What has it to do with politics? Everything. Politicians piss us off, then try to misdirect our anger 'across the aisle' to people who are fundamentally exactly the same, but wear a different party label. The game is age old, but still works.
People are angry, but they are often in denial about it. They know they're angry, but they don't want to admit they're angry
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