Not for a second. I have no doubt that such things as “malicious compliance” went on. I simply don’t see the AG’s memorandum as in as real, substantive way addressing the issue.
Let me know when Trump puts some people on researching the thousands of innocent gun owners’ and dealers’ cases who have been railroaded by ATF into federal prison with the intent of pardoning and releasing them, and of prosecuting the criminals who put them there in the first place. THEN, maybe, I’ll be impressed.
Otherwise? We’ll see how things play out.
I posted in the USAID thread, but this needed its own thread.
Mike Benz Takes Us Down the USAID Rabbit Hole (It’s Worse Than You Think)
Ok - here's a definitive explanation from Mike Benz...
All of it. It is all BS. The trans***** stuff, climate change, covid, foreign wars, election interference, all of it. It's all a ruse to control the world. And untangling this is going to be REAL messy!! Buckle up, folks! It is indeed worse than we thought.
Mike Benz Takes Us Down the USAID Rabbit Hole (It’s Worse Than You Think)
Russ Vought is confirmed! This is a big one.
Senate GOP Steamrolls 30 Hours Of Dem Obstruction To Confirm Trump’s 13th Nominee
But, but, but … muh tariffs!
Nobody cares about the CONstitution when it stands in the way of doing what they want. Trump fans have demonstrated this repeatedly as have most paleocons.
Judge Nap will just be dismissed as a deep state swamp creature and excuses will be made to make it ok for Trump to do whatever he wants, mainly because some of what he wants aligns well with his fans’ and paleocons’ preferences.
Long live the king!
“I think our reverence for the truth might have become a bit of a distraction that is preventing us from finding consensus and getting important things done.” -- Katherine Maher (NPR CEO)
The FAA REFUSED To Hire Qualified Whites
{Actual Justice Warrior | 03 January 2025}
In this video, I discuss an Obama era program at the FAA that actively discriminated against white applicants at the command of The National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees according to a lawsuit.
Article On Lawsuit:
Corrupt "Super Mayor" Gives CRAZY Interview After Brawl
{Actual Justice Warrior | 03 February 2025}
In this video, I discuss a ridiculous interview that the Super Mayor gave to the local news where she denied responsibility for EVERYTHING.
Full Super Mayor Playlist:
Local News Interview:
Angle 1:
"'My kids are trans, my sisters kids are trans, every kid I know is trans…' What are the odds that she’s normal and we are all crazy?" -- Scarlett Johnson
The wise man didn't say that about borders - he said it about border walls.
He actually seems to like borders - and maybe even using troops to secure them.
FTA (bold emphasis added):
Pay attention to US borders, not international borders
Q: Why are you opposed to a system that requires employers to verify the immigration status of their workers?
So, you take a sniff, mistake an anti-Fed argument for a minimum wage argument, and jump off board? Do you think victims of inflation and the systematic destruction of manufacturing jobs should be stripped of the right to vote, but corporations should get to vote even though they are things, not people? You say government is the problem, not the corporations, but I don't see you acknowledging who or what it is that is paying the lobbyists to make the particular bribes they make.
Did a delay in response give the gunman more time? Cops face questions over why it took three hours for SWAT teams to storm Orlando nightclub as police chief admits officers may have shot some of the VICTIMS
...Police Chief John Mina has also admitted that some of the victims may have been hit by officers' gun fire.
However he insisted it is a part of the investigation into the horrific attack.
I just can't decide who to vote for in the presidential race. They're both just so perfect! I can't believe it. Things are just going so well I never considered firing the president, but this Romney guy is just such a temptation!
Romney promises us more war. Obama promised us just the opposite, but that's ok, because he saw Dubya's two wars and raised us three police actions. I think that's a wonderful thing, and can't wait for the next one. I heard somewhere that with six you
Once upon a time, there was a thing called the Interstate Commerce Commission. It was founded to prevent kamikaze capitalism amongst railroads in a day when their efficiencies and primitive technology pretty much guaranteed them a monopoly in viable transportation.
The best thing Reagan did, in my opinion, and the one time I felt some hope for a moment that he would prove to be the libertarian he claimed to be, was when he abolished this bureau. But it was a decade too late to save
What has it to do with politics? Everything. Politicians piss us off, then try to misdirect our anger 'across the aisle' to people who are fundamentally exactly the same, but wear a different party label. The game is age old, but still works.
People are angry, but they are often in denial about it. They know they're angry, but they don't want to admit they're angry
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