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  • Dr.3D's Avatar
    Today, 04:28 PM
    He was ambushed, three on one by the moderators in cahoots with that woman.
    5 replies | 160 view(s)
  • fisharmor's Avatar
    Today, 03:10 PM
    fisharmor replied to a thread 9/11 in U.S. Political News
    The only people I see remembering it even happened are here, and one FB page called "Thomas Sowell's Glasses" is posting memes. Otherwise, crickets. Looks like we all forgot. On cue. The second the uncontrolled withdrawal took place, I reckon.
    8 replies | 162 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 02:12 PM
    Cenk is really just a performance artist - sort of like a left-progressive version of Alex Jones. I can't take him seriously enough to hate him. In fact, I don't even dislike him that much. He's too entertaining - especially when he goes off on one of his rants (and the more unhinged those are, the better - just like with Alex Jones).
    28 replies | 2494 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 01:58 PM
    Maybe. But when it gets right down to it, the machine doesn't really care about it's own easily-replaceable cogs any more than it cares about the meat those cogs grind. This particular cog might end up being reprimanded, demoted, or even fired - if only for PR "damage control" purposes - if the furor over this incident is great enough. (It all depends on how steadfast the local machine operators are in their "pig-mindedness".) He really ought to be criminally charged with burglary and assault/battery (with his having acted under "color of law" being an aggravating factor), but that's probably way too much to hope for. "The process is the punishment."
    5 replies | 68 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 01:58 PM
    Well, I'm not too sure about the "man of substance" comment, but his instincts for foreign policy seem to be fairly sound. (If he can keep the neocons away from his ear) I'm under no illusions that he'll fix anything, but he's not a reliable puppet like the alternative. And that's about as good as we can get right now.
    7 replies | 130 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 01:36 PM
    Most politicians are as narcissistic and full of themselves as Trump is. He just wears it on his sleeve. And if you really think most politicians lie significantly less frequently (or severely) than Trump does, then I don't know what to tell you. But in any case, none of that has anything to do with why Trump was being subjected to on-the-spot "fact checks" while Harris was not. (Unless you're going to tell us that Trump's lies are somehow "extra-special" ones in urgent need of correction, while Harris' lies are somehow not even worth bothering about at all, so she should get a pass). If they're going to put on a show of calling one of these clowns out for his lies, then they should call the other clown out for her lies, too. But they didn't and they won't - and you know why as well as I and everyone else does.
    145 replies | 2069 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 12:43 PM
    I ‘Own Your House Now’ Says Cop Who Entered House Without a Warrant {Steve Lehto | 10 September 2024}
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 12:43 PM
    Cop Enters Home, Arrests Mom, After Neighbor’s Noise Complaint {John H. Bryan | 09 September 2024} In Riverside, California, a police officer shows up at a woman’s home after a neighbor made a noise complaint. Initially a juvenile inside the home opened the door, and then quickly closed it after seeing the officer. The officer then begins to barge in. But he’s confronted by the mom, who demands that he leave. Instead, the officer defies the Fourth Amendment, enters the home and arrests the mom, all without a warrant. Cop Enters Home, Arrests Mom, After Neighbor's Noise Complaint {The Civil Rights Lawyer | 09 September 2024}
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 12:42 PM
    Deputy Enters Home With No Warrant {LackLuster | 05 September 2024} Help Adele fight this: Riverside Sheriff investigating incident that led to arrest depicted in viral video
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 12:41 PM
    Absolutely. Democrats vote for authority, consensus and power. They never vote for candidates who play victim cards. Republicans vote for people who can stand up against adversity. They never vote for candidates who don't have victim cards to play. Behold the debate where the moderators fact-checked one candidate and let the other lie her ass off (and lied when fact checking him). Behold the debate designed to change nobody's mind, but rather to leave literally everyone even more entrenched than before: It doesn't even matter what these two mental midgets say at this point. It only matters how they get treated by the media.
    145 replies | 2069 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 12:30 PM
    Democrats vote for authority, consensus and power. They never vote for candidates who play victim cards. Republicans vote for people who can stand up against adversity. They never vote for candidates who don't have victim cards to play. Behold the debate where the moderators fact-checked one candidate and let the other lie her ass off (and lied when fact checking him). Behold the debate designed to change nobody's mind, but rather to leave literally everyone even more entrenched than before:
    328 replies | 21357 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 12:11 PM
    Ana Kasparian DESTROYS MSNBC LIES {Actual Justice Warrior | 11 September 2024} In this video I discuss this takedown of MSNBC from Ana Kasparian at TYT. I explain how MSNBC hosts are demanding journalists lie for Kamala & how Ana isn't having it. Sources: TYT Video:
    28 replies | 2494 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 12:00 PM
    Presidential Debate Reaction: Glenn Reacts to ABC News Debate Between Kamala and Trump {Glenn Greenwald | 11 September 2024} This is a clip from System Update's LOCALS page. Become part of our Locals community: v5c8ei2
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  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 11:55 AM
    CLIPS from SYSTEM UPDATE #330: Presidential Debate in Philly: Behind the Scenes of the "Spin Room" with Michael Tracey {Glenn Greenwald | 11 September 2024} Presidential Debate in Philly: Kamala Sought Hillary's Advice, Remembering Biden's Fiasco, and More {Glenn Greenwald | 11 September 2024}
    145 replies | 2069 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 11:35 AM
    Well, that's one way of putting it, I guess ... LOL
    71 replies | 1962 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 10:57 AM
    Harris won - by not losing. She didn't screw up in any major way. Compared to Biden's performance in the previous "debate" (not a high bar), she was smooth, glib, and well-practiced - she didn't cackle even once (though several times she looked like she was on the verge of doing so).
    145 replies | 2069 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 10:43 AM
    As distinct from whom?
    145 replies | 2069 view(s)
  • Occam's Banana's Avatar
    Today, 10:30 AM
    Sure, okay - but that just makes the "cultism" metaphor even more apt and applicable. You do see how it makes the "cultism" metaphor more apt and applicable, don't you?
    71 replies | 1962 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 10:22 AM
    Oh, I disagree. This debate DOES mean something. You're right about people having already made up their minds, but this "election" isn't about the votes. It's about plausibility. And many Trump supporters came away from that scared. Why? Because now they think there's a chance they could lose. And that's what matters. Because if enough people think it's plausible, it gives the intel agencies free rein to rig the result. Trump may salvage this yet, but he royally screwed up. Again.
    145 replies | 2069 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 09:20 AM
    I gave up. I'll watch the replays and highlights on YouTube, but I'm not paying hundreds of dollars to watch a game live. Nope. I'll listen to the radio broadcast. These owners are getting government dollars to build their stadiums. They're getting tons of ad revenue. They can go to hell with pay per view games. If they chase enough of us away, maybe something will change. It just isn't worth it.
    5 replies | 139 view(s)
  • CaptUSA's Avatar
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 08:14 AM 1833539331505770508
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 07:31 AM
    Yeah, he completely messed up. He needed to call out the deep state, or the regime, or the establishment, whatever you want to call it. And then debate that instead of debating her. Anytime she said anything, he could say, "a puppet says what???", then proceed to attack the regime. The opening statement I was hoping for: "I'm not in a debate tonight against Kamala Harris, I'm in a debate against the puppetmasters that are ruining our country. They are devaluing your currency making everything more expensive while their donors get rich. They are escalating wars all over the globe to keep their donors happy while real people are dying - and they're making YOU fund it to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. They promote division among our population while inviting dangerous invaders into our lands, stressing our support systems, increasing crime, taking our jobs and bringing in dangerous drugs to flood our streets. Our cities are being destroyed while they attend their cocktail parties and enjoy their private security. They weaponized the government against not only me, but against anyone who opposes the regime. They've kept peaceful people in prison, they've censored your speech, they've threatened internet companies to hide any dissent, and they've instituted woke ideologies on our university campuses to brainwash your children and destroy the fabric of your families. And when they realize that the people have had enough and are supporting me more than the current President, they staged a coup to install a new puppet without a single vote. And they talk about democracy?! Listen, I'm sure VP is a nice enough woman, but she's here because she's a tool of this regime that is causing all this mayhem. And our panel and this network are part of that same regime. We need to end this. We need to fire these people. We need to drain the swamp once and for all. And that's what I'm trying to do. And I need you to join me and join the rest of the patriotic Americans that are trying to do the same." (yeah, lots of BS in there, but so what)
    145 replies | 2069 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
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  • CaptUSA's Avatar
    Today, 06:09 AM
    Man, I'm not sure what you were seeing. Yes, he was debating them all. And yes, she lied repeatedly. But he missed so many opportunities and never once knocked her off her game. I thought he was going to get there on the abortion 9-month question, but he kept talking and let her off the hook. Seriously, this was a BIG disappointment. Somehow Trump always seems to disappoint.
    145 replies | 2069 view(s)
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    I saw you tried to pm me, so I cleared some space for ya. I'll be out of the office for a while, but see you in the by and by. Prolly in 2 hours or so. ~hugs~
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    Say wut? I didn't get what you wrote there.
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    I forgive you.
  6. just so you know, when a thread is started in the guest subforum (even by a member) it has to be approved before its publicly seen, so Yes I Am A Liberal is telling the truth
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    Since when is the "We got a badass over here" meme "gay"? It's been all over the interwebz for many moons and it's used by all sorts of folks. There are several samples in the various "bestest picture thread evarrr"-s.
  8. The reason I have no use for monarchies is it's complete pot luck what you get. If your generation gets a Victoria, you could be in worse shape (assuming her advisors aren't lying to her about what they're doing), but if you get an Ivan the Terrible you're screwed. I prefer a system that at least holds out hope for nonviolent revolution, whether people are generally smart enough to use it or not.

    And I'm pretty sure you meant neither Bismarck nor the kaiser.

    Chancellor von Bismarck
    President von Hindenburg
  9. Bismarck

    That help get the rust out of your history? 'Cause those who get rusty on history are liable to re-live the bad parts...
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    You're right, I should have said the Kaiser, not Bismarck. :/ (My WWI history is rather rusty...I do remember Hitler suffered from mustard gas inhalation during that war and a bunch of other factoids) Yeah, monarchs have been somewhat fascist in certain occasions, but they always had incentive not to destroy their subjects' economy or their own respective societies as presidents and prime ministers or even legislators do. (such elected officials almost always leave office very wealthy and almost never face justice for their misdeeds) Generally speaking, the best to worst scale goes- voluntary association with government>hereditary monarchy>monarchy>classical republicanism>modern constitutionalism>democracy etc.
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Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.


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Partisan and Conquered

by acptulsa on 07-02-2017 at 08:46 AM
Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
So, you take a sniff, mistake an anti-Fed argument for a minimum wage argument, and jump off board? Do you think victims of inflation and the systematic destruction of manufacturing jobs should be stripped of the right to vote, but corporations should get to vote even though they are things, not people? You say government is the problem, not the corporations, but I don't see you acknowledging who or what it is that is paying the lobbyists to make the particular bribes they make.

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We Need the Police Because...

by acptulsa on 06-15-2016 at 10:08 AM
Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
Hat tip to Suzanimal for the following:

Quote Originally Posted by The Daily Mail
Did a delay in response give the gunman more time? Cops face questions over why it took three hours for SWAT teams to storm Orlando nightclub as police chief admits officers may have shot some of the VICTIMS

...Police Chief John Mina has also admitted that some of the victims may have been hit by officers' gun fire.

However he insisted it is a part of the investigation into the horrific attack.


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We're So Lucky to Have Such Great Choices

by acptulsa on 09-23-2012 at 10:16 AM
Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
I just can't decide who to vote for in the presidential race. They're both just so perfect! I can't believe it. Things are just going so well I never considered firing the president, but this Romney guy is just such a temptation!

Romney promises us more war. Obama promised us just the opposite, but that's ok, because he saw Dubya's two wars and raised us three police actions. I think that's a wonderful thing, and can't wait for the next one. I heard somewhere that with six you

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Intercity Passenger Rail

by acptulsa on 09-23-2012 at 10:14 AM
Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
Once upon a time, there was a thing called the Interstate Commerce Commission. It was founded to prevent kamikaze capitalism amongst railroads in a day when their efficiencies and primitive technology pretty much guaranteed them a monopoly in viable transportation.

The best thing Reagan did, in my opinion, and the one time I felt some hope for a moment that he would prove to be the libertarian he claimed to be, was when he abolished this bureau. But it was a decade too late to save

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Who are you mad at really?

by acptulsa on 06-26-2011 at 08:29 AM
Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
'What your daddy did to you was abuse.'

'How dare you talk that way about my daddy?!'

What has it to do with politics? Everything. Politicians piss us off, then try to misdirect our anger 'across the aisle' to people who are fundamentally exactly the same, but wear a different party label. The game is age old, but still works.

People are angry, but they are often in denial about it. They know they're angry, but they don't want to admit they're angry

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