Today, 07:31 AM
Yeah, he completely messed up. He needed to call out the deep state, or the regime, or the establishment, whatever you want to call it. And then debate that instead of debating her. Anytime she said anything, he could say, "a puppet says what???", then proceed to attack the regime.
The opening statement I was hoping for:
"I'm not in a debate tonight against Kamala Harris, I'm in a debate against the puppetmasters that are ruining our country. They are devaluing your currency making everything more expensive while their donors get rich. They are escalating wars all over the globe to keep their donors happy while real people are dying - and they're making YOU fund it to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. They promote division among our population while inviting dangerous invaders into our lands, stressing our support systems, increasing crime, taking our jobs and bringing in dangerous drugs to flood our streets. Our cities are being destroyed while they attend their cocktail parties and enjoy their private security. They weaponized the government against not only me, but against anyone who opposes the regime. They've kept peaceful people in prison, they've censored your speech, they've threatened internet companies to hide any dissent, and they've instituted woke ideologies on our university campuses to brainwash your children and destroy the fabric of your families.
And when they realize that the people have had enough and are supporting me more than the current President, they staged a coup to install a new puppet without a single vote. And they talk about democracy?! Listen, I'm sure VP is a nice enough woman, but she's here because she's a tool of this regime that is causing all this mayhem. And our panel and this network are part of that same regime. We need to end this. We need to fire these people. We need to drain the swamp once and for all. And that's what I'm trying to do. And I need you to join me and join the rest of the patriotic Americans that are trying to do the same."
(yeah, lots of BS in there, but so what)
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