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  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-09-2024, 08:00 AM
    I smell mold on a lot of cannabis type products. I won't smoke it if it smells like mold. I have noticed the smell of mold on pot for about 25 years I quit smoking it for a long time because of it. I just smoke a little hemp occasionally to relax.I found a supplier that does a good job of keeping the mold out of their product. I think a lot of people don't know what mold smells like on cannabis Like I said I have smelled a lot of mold I have walked into stores that are opening the jar for someone else and I am not that close to the jar and smell the mold on it. A lot of people seem to be okay with it but I am not.
    15 replies | 1127 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-06-2024, 11:41 AM
    What if the deal was Trump would allow Ron to end the FED?
    8 replies | 879 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 07:34 PM
    Walz ENTIRE FAMILY have ALL denounced TIM WALZ as someone that can NOT be trusted BY ANY MEANS. Find it all over the place...
    5 replies | 284 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 05:47 AM
    Yea well there are a lot of stupid people for sure.
    15 replies | 1127 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 05:43 AM
    so if it was sold for 25 cents a pill whoever is selling it would 800% profit. Instead people who are trying to make us think that they are being benevolent are sell it10,00% profit or more. Which makes me think they are thinking more about their wallet than the health of as many people that they can reach. To me the only way to get rid of the disease is to make as many people well as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. I am all for anyone selling a product to make money for sure I am. If what you say is true about the wholesale price then I hope that someone who can get it will put it out there for people who cannot afford the price. All these cities giving away free clean needles ought to be giving doses of ivermectin. Because probably many people who are homeless are probably so eaten up with parasites that they can't think right even if they tried. I know I know nobody wants us to be well they only want mo money. pluck you Dr. Peter McCullough
    15 replies | 846 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 05:15 AM
    As a person with a very sensitive sense of smell I haven't ever been around any pot smoke that smelled like cat piss. I have smelled some stuff called skunk weed but I would not smoke it. I don't smoke it if it makes me cough on the first hit. Some people think that if it makes you cough that means it is good. I think it means that your body is saying I don't want this it is hurting me...A lot of people are kinda hell bent on destroying themselves.
    15 replies | 1127 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-05-2024, 05:04 AM
    I agree that it is a really good medicine that should be in everyone's home. It is safe for people who are not idiots. But as one who has bought it in both animal and human for I can tell you that the human version is not cheap at least not in any place I can find it. I have kept horse paste around for years to give to my dogs. I never thought about taking it myself until this covid stuff hit. I then bought 100 12 mg pills from for $120 that I cut in 4 pieces and took once a week.I gave some to a few other people who wanted it. I was going to order more from them but they changed their policy to force people to create an account at some social media site and then do all this other stuff that made no sense to me. i have seen other sites selling 30 pills in 3mg doses for $120 + you have to fill out a form and pay a consultation fee of $120 to me that does not seem to be a reasonable price when in other countries you can buy the same amount for under $1 per pill otc. I don't think someone should have to go thru so much rigamaroll to get it. it ought to be available to anyone especially since Bill Gates is releasing infected mosquitoes into the USA. It is good and safe but it ain't cheap but I do think everyone ought to find away to have it available in whatever form they can afford. Canine heart worm medicine also has it in it as well.
    15 replies | 846 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 05:18 PM
    Trump made hemp legal that is enough for me. Looks like the cartels are into fentanyl now after the loss in marijuana market.
    15 replies | 1127 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 06:42 AM
    I think it is wrong for governments to censor the press. I think any media should be able to say whatever they want. Any company has a right to say what they want. The day I realized I was being censored by facebook I closed my account. They are dead to me. They started censoring me years before Trump. RPF is the only social media that does not censor me. People all the time ask me to FB them I say I don't do facebook. There are a lot of people who don't use it. Sometimes I get mad when someone here post a fb link bit I realize that even Ron Paul supporters do FB. I just don't do it.
    71 replies | 2188 view(s)
  • Working Poor's Avatar
    09-04-2024, 06:16 AM
    Could or would Rand and Ron make a policy deal with Trump like RFKj did?
    8 replies | 879 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 03:38 PM Think they wont try that here?
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  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 02:50 PM
    What is worrisome is that very soon we may ALL well be KKKalifornia.
    8 replies | 298 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 02:42 PM
    Faux News tells LIES? Ha ha ha ha ha! I never saw this coming... Riiiiiiight. PRESS-titutes. Give me money and I will LIE for you. Truth is TREASON in the EMPIRE OF LIES. Faux News is nothing more than any other three letter agency that pushes PROPAGANDA.
    8 replies | 537 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 02:39 PM
    The NH Supreme Court charged with and tried for TREASON. Children are NOT PROPERTY OF THE STATE.
    9 replies | 416 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 02:38 PM
    It is now REAL CLEAR that REAL CLEAR POLITICS does not speak the truth. Welcome to my BLOCK LIST there REAL CLEAR POLITICS.
    33 replies | 1239 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 02:37 PM
    Fine. I want to be able to vote in California 100,000,000 times PER REPUBLICAN, even though I dont even live in the state. Can we just kick the entire fucking state out of the union?
    8 replies | 298 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-31-2024, 02:35 PM
    Fuckerberg DESERVES LIFE IN PRISON. You can NOT comply your way out of Tyranny. He had a RESPONSIBILITY TO WARN PEOPLE of the Vaxtermination Shot, not act like a Presstitute and take money to only authorize LIES. TRUTH IS TREASON IN THE EMPIRE OF LIES.
    71 replies | 2188 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
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  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-28-2024, 01:04 AM
    Lets just say it. THIS ELECTION IS A TRAP. They are gonna steal it again. Thats when the VIOLENCE starts. Thats when they plan to suspend the Constitution, using the uprising against the fraudulent outcome as their excuse. If they can cast Martial Law, then THEY WIN. If the people do not rise up, then they claim victory using the fraudulent election results, and... they win. Either way, they think they are gonna win. Lets be clear here.
    78 replies | 3899 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-24-2024, 09:19 AM
    What I expect is that within two years, we do not have a COUNTRY. Voting for one person is not going to "fix" things. I think Trump is a Wrecking Ball against the Deep State, but even IF he gets in, we are still likely going to lose this country. As far as principles go, the only way we survive is if we ALL stand up, UNITED, with AR15s in hand and shape this country into what it should be. We need to be UNITED in the principles that we decide IF we win the coming CIVIL WORLD WAR. And it is not that they have nukes, its that they can take out FOOD DISTRIBUTION and drive those with their hands out to scavenge for food from HONEST people. Thats when ALL PEOPLE DIE OF STARVATION which I think the likely planned outcome.
    78 replies | 3899 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-24-2024, 09:12 AM
    Look, I dont like Trump. I do like Ron Paul obviously, but he isnt running, and casting a vote for Ron Paul is not a path to victory, and by victory, I mean "keep Kamala out of the White House". One who is running is Dr. Shiva and so far he seems to be good, I think, I dont know much else about him. Trump has MAJOR issues. I will probably end up voting for Trump, not because I like him but because its a "path to victory", possibly the only one we have. Every other path ends up in COMMUNISM, and with Conservatives in DEATH CAMPS. That is not something I want for anyone in any country any where in the universe(s). I could go on for hours why I dont like Trump. The string pullers work the candidate that pacifies the masses the most. They are completely indifferent. They are the real enemy. Deep State. Well now we have a list of names, and Trump has that list. Again, not that he would even choose to do anything with that list. He should have FIRED Fauci, but he did not. He should have come out fully against the vaxtermination shot, but he made it a prefererence. Its WWF. Its entertainment. Its distractions. Im less concerned that people think me foolish for saying "I have to vote for Trump" than the utter chaos we will most likely have in this country starting in no less than six months. I do expect Civil War. I do expect terrorist cells will be activated. I do expect total economic collapse. I do expect a HOLODOMOR. All of these things are going to happen regardless of who gets in. They took a shot at Trump so they can literally start shooting at and execute us. Im keeping in mind they are still trying to achieve THEIR agendas. Their agendas do not include maintaining the integrity of this country, rather to EXTERMINATE 96% OF THE WORLDS POPULATION AND FULLY ENSLAVE THE FEW THAT REMAIN.
    14 replies | 685 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-21-2024, 06:08 PM
    So bringing in 30 million illegal VOTERS isnt ELECTION RIGGING? I dont disagree on the fear porn or lack of knowledge.
    32 replies | 2422 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-21-2024, 08:16 AM
    Like voting makes any real difference when the election is already RIGGED? If voting made a difference it would be ILLEGAL. I probably will vote for Trump. Kamala is 100% Communist. Now announcing she wants govt to regulate GROCERY PRICES. Thats COMMUNISM, and gonna result in MASS STARVATION TO KILL US. She also wants govt to control WAGES, EMPLOYMENT, ALL FOOD AND SERVICES. Youre supposed to be grateful for "her gifts" when it turns out what she is offering to give you is nothing more than a little bit of your own shit they stole from you in the first place. Given the choice between Trump or Kamala, who do you think most people are gonna choose? Now with that said, if somehow Kamala wins, how demoralizing will it be if the "hope" of the people is crushed? Perhaps even CIVIL WAR? Thats how they think. They do NOT operate normally.
    14 replies | 685 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-21-2024, 08:11 AM
    How demoralizing would it be if EVERYONE knew that yet another election was stolen and they WIN? They are trying to JUDO this shit. By having awful policies and make it obvious they are trying to lose, then WIN, you know your game is rigged. Thus, its a PSYOP, and one of the methods they employ as part of that PSYOP is to DESTROY HOPE. No one can VOTE THEMSELVES OUT OF TYRANNY IN A RIGGED ELECTION.
    32 replies | 2422 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-21-2024, 12:38 AM
    I propose we comply our way out of tyranny!
    14 replies | 685 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-21-2024, 12:37 AM
    Covid Camps, Re-education Camps, Health Camps, they seem DESPERATE to get us into these DEATH CAMPS. We know them for what they are for the fruits they bear...
    32 replies | 2422 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    08-20-2024, 11:29 PM
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    Are you familiar with this stuff? - What do you think of this product? Like I mentioned to you in a pm, I'm considering it for treating CNS problems. Thanks!
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    Danno thanks for the rep but he didn't get sucked in to the degree that he ignored what was important. Otherwise he would have never gotten arrested.
  3. Yeah. It sucks right now. But at least we both miss each other and he has an intellectually stimulating job. He's just not that responsible with money or investments (aside from BTC), I'll be moving there, hopefully within a month. We aren't breaking up, despite quite a few rocky patches.
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    See my 60 minute documentary video for the full story behind the subpoenaed arrest and booking records. It's aired perhaps 50 times along with its sequel, all linked from this page.

    Please download CIRCA, rather than streaming the .avi file. The friend that hosts it on that server asked that be done rather than consuming bandwidth there. The 40 minute sequel in 3 parts can be streamed on YouTube.

    Perhaps that will give you an idea of the size and scope of the conspiracy surpressing me and my information.
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    Happy Holiday.
  6. Nope, sorry roxic, sounds like a copycat dannno
  7. View Conversation
    So are you in KC? The rally video uploaded said the user name was Danno, so was just curious.
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    I just noticed you tried to send me a message, but my box was full. I cleaned it out a bit, so you can try again.
  9. View Conversation
    I from Arkansas and am wanting an out of state license for mj, If the Arkansas MJ deal happens we need out of state license because they are by law approved. Any suggestions on how to get a permit. Will travel.
  10. View Conversation
    I can send you by e-mail something that might be useful to you. If you're interested let me know your e-mail address.
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