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5 Visitor Messages

  1. ron paul for president
  2. View Conversation
    Hi, I've started a Ron Paul movement, and need participants to get it off the ground. Please, check it out and join! Also, please spread the word to as many RP supporters as possible so we can ensure a win for Ron Paul in 2012!

  3. View Conversation
    Hey I live in Fort Smith and am a Ron Paul supporter (maxed out). I'm looking for some local activists. Can you email me at I saw an old post of yours. Do you know who had the Fort Smith Ron Paul office back in 2007-2008?
  4. People would rather just dismiss ANYTHING against their beliefs or ideals EVERYWHERE. It ticks me off, not saying I agree or disagree with anything BUT at least debate the person or prove them wrong.

    thank you for the words and I do believe there are more who think like we do than those who want to simply say "burn him at the stake" just because he asked a damn question....
  5. View Conversation
    I'm writing you because you were making sense when no one else was in the Neanderthal/Aborigines thread . There's a lot of kooky people in the Ron Paul camp and a lot of strange ideas. However strange and kooky people get doesn't give people the right to flame them. I am ashamed of what I observed in this thread. I saw nothing in the whole thread that would justify banning the OP.
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About newyearsrevolution08

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Support Marijuana Legalization WORLDWIDE


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01-12-2012 07:10 AM
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06-27-2012 01:46 PM
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  1. LibertyEagle LibertyEagle is offline


  2. low preference guy
  3. nayjevin nayjevin is offline


  4. thehighwaymanq thehighwaymanq is offline


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Ron Paul Will Decriminalize Marijuana - What's Your Thoughts On It?

by newyearsrevolution08 on 06-27-2011 at 06:33 AM
There are plenty of medical marijuana patients who support Ron Paul including myself who want to see him elected president. Now it isn't simply because of the legalization or decriminalization efforts but because Ron Paul is the ONLY presidential candidate who would finally allow us the rights and liberties our proud patriots once had.

Our country is failing right before our eyes and it will take strong efforts on our part to make sure that Ron Paul can and DOES get elected president.

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You've Been Ron Paul'd - Viral Marketing Ideal Rick Roll Style

by newyearsrevolution08 on 06-27-2011 at 06:27 AM
Ron Paul Needs Our Help And So Do Viral Vidoes Online

Here is my idea and what YOU can do BEFORE elections happen.

Step 1

Make a video about ANYTHING and then either include ron paul related information within the video itself OR make it switch to a ron paul video after about 2-5 seconds into the video.

Step 2

Continune making videos that either do a cut take to a ron paul related video or speech OR something that has ron

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