• LawnWake

    by Published on 02-14-2015 08:00 AM

    Accept that Rand Paul is still the underdog and has to put up a big fight. You can't control that. It's "unfair", but it is what it is.

    Accept that the media will try to destroy him and his followers and the flood of hitpieces. Even if they annoy you, you can't control them. Accept them as the reality that they are and ignore them. They sidetrack you otherwise.

    Accept Rand's flaws and try to work around them in your efforts to campaign. You can't control his flaws.

    Don't accept yourself slacking in your efforts to campaign and donate. You can control that.

    Don't accept yourself being a poorly received representative of Rand Paul and the liberty movement (by spamming polls/posts/news outlets or picking fights with people, ...
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