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- is an independent grassroots outfit not officially connected to Ron Paul but dedicated to his mission. For more information see our Mission Statement.
Catalog of attacks on the American people's rights, freedoms, sovereign government and sound governmental policies. Old forums, closed for new posting.
Tracking the turmoil and impact caused by the so-called "Affordable Care Act" as its devastation ripples across the country. Your personal story is welcome here, please provide sourced documents as possible (blackout personal details). Also includes efforts to end this tyranny.
News on matters of U.S. national sovereignty. Topics include: Trans-Pacific Partnership, United Nations, World Trade Organization, trade agreements, treaties and other dealings with multinational "authorities".
Politically based Second Amendment matters necessary to the security of a free State. Topics include: gun control issues, propaganda against the Second Amendment, case studies on the criticality of the Second Amendment and related issues of wide spread importance. For general firearm topics use the Personal Security & Defense forum.
Politically based headline health related matters. News on government laws and regulations, effects of government policy, substantiated cases big pharma's allowed wrong-doings and current health issues of wide spread importance. Use the Obamacare and Personal Health & Well-Being forums as appropriate.
News on topics relating to the growing state controls over education, failures of government educational systems and efforts to move to a more free market approach to education. For personal education matters see the Family, Parenting & Education forum.
Stop the madness of ill-conceived attacks that will kill the innocent, cause blowback, weaken our military, drive us further into debt and lead to escalated warfare for the benefit of big banks and the financial interests within the military industrial complex.
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