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EXCELLENT SPEECH!!! "The State is Too Dangerous to Tolerate" by Robert Higgs

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Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
Quote Originally Posted by helmuth_hubener View Post
We really need to get rid of the State!

How are we going to do it?

If it can be at all achieved any longer, methinks violence will be the only route to success, barring a near-extinction reset event.

I base this speculation on the facts I see at hand.

Firstly, Theye want the power of command and obedience.

Secondly, They want it perfectly, which is to say that they want it absolute and guaranteed. In order to do this, Theye must widen the gap in terms of both material and psychological power as vastly as possible in order to render to vanishing the potential for usurpation of their power into other hands.

Thirdly, and pursuant to point the second, Theye have set into place during the past 20 years that which no king in our historical memory has ever dared dream possible, technologies that have broadened that gap to an extent that, so far as I can see, approaches a threshold of non-recoverability.

Fourthly, and pursuant to point the second, during the past century-plus Theye have altered the perceptual landscape of the common man in ways that many of us can but barely conceive. For example, many behaviors that in 1900 would have been viewed as depraved and worthy of the lash or worse are today viewed with the blandness of the bored. A man from that day, having been transported to this time and finding his great-great grand daughter tattooed to her four corners and her pubic hairs shorn away, would undoubtedly beat her in a fit of shock-fueled fear for her very soul, her father having then to peel great-granddad off Janey that she not end up wholly separated of her hide. The point here is that the Meaner, which is to say the average and common man, has been reduced to such a retrograde state of existence that he is neither aware of his frightfully unenviable position as a Perfect Slave1, nor has he any interest in becoming so. In addition, his current and deplorable condition is such that were the truth to be revealed to him, he would have no interest whatsoever in seeing it altered in any manner or degree.

Fifthly, Theire designs are intergenerational. Theye have been working at this many a year, have devoted those generations to the achievement of unchallengeable global hegemony, and most likely believe themselves entitled to their positions of unquestioned supremacy.

Sixthly, and pursuant to point the fifth, Theye are not likely to assume any unnecessary risks to that position, particularly now that they are this close to sewing things up once and for all, what with the successful emplacement of so much instrumentality to that end.

Seventhly, it should be at least considered the possibility that Theire mental landscapes, too, have been in some manner and degree compromised by the alterations they have brought into the worlds of men. I assert this because in my view it is nearly impossible to so totally alter an environment for the "benefit" of others, and separate oneself from that very climate to such a degree that he remains unaffected by it. The only question remaining, then, is to what degree and in what manner have Theire mental positions been altered. It is not implausible to suggest that Theye have bent their own vision and opinion in ways that endanger themselves as well as the rest. It is not inconceivable that Theye, unawares, have lapsed into a profound insanity that threatens the very existence of all men and perhaps even all significant life on this world.

Eighthly and finally, given the points prior; given the great care, patience, and investment in the various efforts; given the apparently steadfast resolution with which the holy grail of tyrants has been pursued by Theire generations over the ages; and given the strong possibility that Theye have fallen unintentionally into madness, there is no reason to believe that at this late stage of the game Theye would not be willing to sacrifice the life of the entire planet if their coveted positions were to meet with imminent termination.

Given all this, it requires no leap of reason to then directly infer that Theye are not going to go quietly and that the only way they will give up their current standing will be to have it pried from them with great violence. Do not forget that Theye will never do their own actual fighting, but rather will have their loyal stooges at their feet to do the dirty work at their behest, but in the name of "something great" in which said stooges have been cowed into believing. Consider the frightful ease with which the mob is manipulated to virtually any action demanded of them. The single example of the Lusitania's sinking should be all that one needs to satisfy himself of this. The brutishly clever British, avatars nonpareil of human depravity whose viciously presumptuous avarice for power and position needed nothing more than to hang an ocean-going passenger liner as bait for the Germans to bite upon, the resultant death toll so horrifying the isolationist American meaner at that time, that all notions of national neutrality were literally swept aside from sea to shining sea within minutes of the news' arrival.

Consider the resources at Theire disposal - both material and psychological. Any real threat "within the system" is neatly and readily handled with the manifold tools at Theire disposal, ranging from mere propagandizing all the way up to outright terrorism (false flag events, for example) and large-scale open warfare. The combination of these well-honed weapons, comprising the most powerful stick-and-carrot show on the planet, will likely achieve whatever expedience circumstance dictates. That is why even large scale violence is unlikely to dethrone Themme at this stage of the game. But if anything is to have the least hope of success, it is likely just that: mass armed revolt. Knowing human proclivity as I do, I comfortably assert that reason and formal procedures are not going to achieve the goals that are here under consideration: the dismantling of Empire. It simply will not happen that way because the proponents of Empire are utterly implacable. Nothing will persuade Themme and therefore they must be handled in the most materially unequivocal fashion: complete destruction.

This conclusion brings me no joy. It does, in fact, fill me with a sense of overbearing doom because I do not for a moment believe that sufficient numbers of men will see this truth, much less be moved to act as did the Minutemen, who pledged their lives and fortunes, such as they may have been, to the goals of free life for the posterity they so clearly and dearly loved. How many of us will stand before the enemy's rifle fire to that end?

All that said, we have nothing to lose by trying on all fronts, even those that appear of utterly hopeless potential. For if we give up, we are certainly lost. I for one hold no relish for the thought of existing on my knees in bow to a raft of mad and scurrilous bastards for whom I would not insult my feces by applying them there.

As I always repeat, likely to the rolling eyes and pain of my cohorts here, work as best you can toward the goals of reclaimed liberty, but do so with reality in mind. Know ye that if this is to be a real fight, it is likely to be very ugly, very violent, and very dangerous. If these truths frighten you with sufficiency, go home and accept what fate will serve unto thee, for all the wishful thinking in the world will not alter this truth so much as a whit.

1. "Perfect Slave" vis-á-vis, for example, "chattel slave" wherein the latter requires direct expenditures by the owner to maintain the life of the asset in terms of housing, food, health, and quarter-mastery, the costs of which tend to the capricious and prohibitive, the Perfect Slave is saddled with these direct responsibilities to his own slavery, thereby freeing the master of the burden of duty, thereby dramatically lowering his costs.

A perfect slave's closest historical analog would be the serf, the primary difference between them laying in the fact that the former enjoys a grossly circumscribed set of discernible rights in comparison with the latter. This is one of the products of a century's expended effort to rearrange the perceptual landscape such that the outrage now becomes the coveted. That which would once have driven men to bloody and murderous revolt now threatens the same if it is withheld. The slave now demands of his master his rightful demeaning at master's hand because it is familiar to him. What is familiar is comfortable and comfort is that which all men seek, no matter how strangely and incomprehensible the form for one man may appear to another.

Updated 12-03-2014 at 04:57 PM by osan

