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The Fundamental Principles of Liberty

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Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Foundation_Of_Liberty View Post
Fine. The point I make is that freedom and justice can be won by degrees. The more of it the better, perfect justice being the best. You cannot deny that there exist different degrees of wrongdoing, and therefore, different degrees of injustice. So if justice is found more often and by more people, we are improving the world. That is my point. And of course the goal must always be Perfect and Total Freedom and Justice. There I agree with you. Thanks.
Here we agree, just as there are degrees of oppression, vis-à-vis no degrees of freedom.

The world will likely never be quite just, but can it be free? In the context of a long history of empire and of recent leaps in technological capabilities, the question is certainly of the $64 variety. As I have written previously, barring an extraordinary event that disrupts the willed path of mean human thought from its current state of general and immeasurably profound stupidity, I see little chance of humans becoming free in large numbers. Perhaps some island populations who arm themselves mightily... but who can arm effectively against nukes or all bio-weapons? The mindset of the tyrant is so well trained to the meaner's acceptance that the situation seems hopeless at this point. Tyrants will pass the baton to their heirs uninterrupted no matter what we do, short of a quantum change in our fundamental views. I do not believe at this time that this assertion can be disproved. The set of common basic assumptions about who we are, our relationship to our fellows, and our place in this world and in life is so wildly distorted from that of free men that I see at best the possibility of a prettier state of slavery for us, and even that is very remote at this stage of human affairs.

The average man is at the distinct disadvantage here precisely because he chooses not to be a wicked beast striving to take from others that which is not rightly his to apprehend. He appears to want mainly to be left alone in the political sense and to live his life as best he can. The tyrant, OTOH, is tireless in his pursuit of more. The average man has become ever more tolerant of this predatory behavior, and there is no indication of this coming to an end any time soon. Therefore, it appears by abstraction that the tyrant will always thrive precisely due to the differences in nature between the wolf and the sheep.

In pre-empire days, sheep-types did not survive very long, leaving the wolves to watch over each other. Once the city came to exist, some became lazy and the remaining wolves flourished when they quickly discovered the differences between people like themselves and the rest. It was only matters of time and cleverness in the distortion of reason and truth before the wolves gained sufficient control over the rest to where they were able to steer their hamlets of "civilization" as they pleased.... more or less.

Now the sheep outnumber the wolves by perhaps as much as a million to one. The true wolves have other, lesser-wolves well trained to be their servants - the men with guns who actually go and do the killing for them in enforcement of wolf fiat. The rest now show almost universal sheep-quality, and that is why I assert that nothing short of a disruptive event stands even the merest chance of returning such people to their now deeply dormant wolf origins. The only way sheep will return to their wolf roots is when the only other choice is immediate extinction from life, and even then droves will simply be extinguished for doing nothing. Barring this, they will be driven ever more tightly into a hem and as the worsening conditions slowly eat away their health and their lives, they will meekly lie down and die off because they will never ever connect the dots so clearly arrayed before them. They will view this condition as unavoidable, inevitable, and therefore beyond their power to bring to alteration. They will accept this for themselves and the children they so stalwartly profess to "love". They will chalk it up to the usual idiotic nonsense such as "God's will", "the environment", or other circumstance beyond their control. But they will never attribute the condition of their pending doom to the machinations of some of their fellows in a way that would indicate positive intent to destroy them or the knowing disregard that this destruction would be the result for many. So long as that state of psychological affairs prevails sufficiently, the tyrants will be safe from any mass backlash. And as the wolves perfect their technologies of extermination, the prospects of any backlash, no matter how universal, diminishes and further ensures their very long-term perpetuation.

The average man either does not see what is really happening in this world of human affairs or they disregard it because they feel it costs them less to do so than to do otherwise. So long as this is the case, we will see no fundamental change in the relations between wolves and sheep, the latter wanting the world to be rid of the former but always expecting someone else to do it. Why? Because they are too lazy or timid to do it themselves. But who else can do it? Other wolves. But in the mind of the meaner, those would be good wolves. It's the old story of "The Seven Samurai" or "The Magnificent Seven" in the flesh of the real world played out for thousands of years. Timid, bed-wetting types hiring one set of bad men to rid them of another. What do you think it is we do every election cycle? We're not hiring fellow sheep. We are asking wolves to displace other wolves and save us from being eaten by... wolves.

If this circumstance does not define "insanity" with the clarity of ultimately deep punctuation, then nothing can.

This system, this American Constitution before which so many prostrate themselves in worshipful adoration, is precisely a system that guarantees the perpetuation of the sheep class, which indeed needs to be eliminated if freedom is to be realized. You CANNOT be a free sheep. There is NO SUCH THING precisely because there are predators out there and to rely upon other predators to protect you is raving, hollering insanity. It matters not a whit how benevolent the protector wolves may be or how endlessly so. You still live subject to THEIR view of things and the moment Theye deem this freedom or that one no longer appropriate, they tell you it is no longer allowed for your own good. And there you are, once again, in the jaws of wolves and never free.

The ONLY solution is to return to your wolf roots. There is literally no other way because there is no other path to parity with wolves other than to be one, oneself.

We can cite fundamental principles all day long. They mean NOTHING without the means and the ready will to literally execute anyone who violates you. That is the harsh truth behind "might makes right". Without might, there is no existence in accord with any principle upon which one may rely. It is the threat of immediate destruction that keeps wolves polite between one another, on the whole.

Look at chickens, which are direct analogs of human beings in terms of their social interactions. I am now raising 15 tiny baby Buff Orphingtons for a friend. Before yesterday there were 16. One sickened and the others immediately went to work on her and she promptly died. Now look at human children: they do precisely the same thing and adults tend not to because it is beaten out of them. But even well trained adult sheep can be whipped into a frenzy such that they will consume each other. Our history is rife with such examples. The wolf is alive inside most of us, but has been trained to a muzzle and will "come out" only with the permission of the Whipmaster.

All of this is plain to see for anyone and everyone, if only they had the impetus and the nerve to look and behold. But they don't. They want to believe the honey-dipped lies they were fed as children because they seem so much prettier than the harsh truth of what it REALLY means to be free. No, people do not want freedom at all; they want the impossible - a sugary sweet world where their every whim is satisfied and nothing ugly happens in resulting costs to provide it. Why do you think the idiocy or Star Trek has been so wildly successful? "Early Grey, hot" <whiiiiiizzzzz> "Aaaahhhh...." No cost. Everything shat into your lap at the bark of a command. That is what people have come to believe is the world.

"$#@! freedom. We've got stuff."

As was the case with myself, you have pooched it by having placed the cart before the horse. Forget your principles for now. Squirrel them away, perhaps for some time when they may do some good. For now, concentrate on returning men to their proper state as apex predators such that they stand shoulder to shoulder, if equality and freedom are the objects of your crusade. Or at least focus on becoming a wolf yourself.

Otherwise, resign yourself to things as they are and as they shall be and forget all this idealism because not a whit of it will be realized until the sheep are eliminated, either through reversion or destruction. Perhaps the latter is the better way? Less to share.
