A Discourse on the Crux of the Federal Taxation of Individuals
, 08-03-2013 at 09:30 AM (4898 Views)
After have worked full-ahead over the last two-months I have finally completed a massive undertaking that I’ve wanted to accomplish for at least the last couple of years. Basically, I compiled much researching along with articles I have written over the course of the last many years; revising, expanding, and cleaning them up as I went. The final result is the preliminary edition of what I have entitled: “A Discourse on the Crux of the Federal Taxation of Individuals”. I plan on actually completing an official “first edition” 2-4 years from now (which is just a best guess for now), until then I will, from time-to-time, just be doing revision updates to this prelim.
As the title suggests, its premise intimates that taxation—indirectly—upon human capital is equally immoral as it is both unwarranted and uncivilized and should be ceased at once.
Please, enjoy a reading (or even two or three), hopefully discovering your own motivational pathway in the process; and as always help make this information go viral. Thank you.
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