“Herd Immunity.” The flawed science and failures of mass vaccination
by , 05-03-2013 at 08:49 AM (17385 Views)
“Herd Immunity.” The flawed science and failures of mass vaccination, Suzanne Humphries, MD
The oft-parroted sound bite – “we need herd immunity”- implies that if ninety five percent of the population can become “immune” to a disease via vaccination, target immunity levels will be met and diseases will either be eradicated or controlled. This sound bite is the most commonly pulled weapon used by the vaccinators, only second to “smallpox and polio were eradicated by vaccination.” “Herd immunity” is the trump card for the defense of vaccination on TV, Internet, medical journals and newspapers as to why we should be vaccinated over and over throughout our lives, with an ever-increasing number of vaccines.
Paul Offit smiled and PLAYED THE CARD while peddling his book on the comedy central channel as Steven Colbert jokingly said, “if the vaccines work so good for you, why do I need one?” Dr. Mark Segal PULLED IT on fox news as Mary Holland, JD eloquently described the issue of vaccine injury and loss of legal recourse in an era of forced and mandated vaccines. In addition to flaunting several false allegations and sound bites, Dr. Segal’s well-rehearsed rant brushed right over the issue at hand, the fact that victims of vaccine injury have no legal right to sue – and instead launched into his agenda of scaring the listeners by parroting the “herd immunity” dogma.
The hype about herd immunity unfortunately creates a wall of hostility between those who vaccinate and those who delay some vaccines, avoid certain vaccines, or quit vaccinating altogether.
Since the beginning of vaccination, there is little proof that vaccines are responsible for eradicating disease even when herd immunity vaccination levels have been reached. Yet celebrity doctors rattle on about your unvaccinated neighbor being the biggest threat to your child – as if vaccination was the only way to avoid an illness or stay healthy.
To make matters worse, this intimidation to vaccinate is played out in an environment where WHO and vaccine manufacturers have been accused of scandalous misrepresentations of disease risk or vaccine safety and effectiveness. If the allegations against these entities are true, which I believe they are, we are being systematically altered, sickened and manipulated by powerful governing bodies that either don’t understand the risks of vaccination, or don’t care. We are told that the health of the herd is more important than any single life, and you now have no conventional legal recourse when your little sheep is wounded by any type of vaccine, no matter how it happened.
The money factor
The population of the world is expanding over the past 200 years where vaccines have been used, and this makes obtaining herd immunity even more expensive and impossible today than ever. How many billions of people would need to be vaccinated how many times to eradicate just one illness based on the theory of vaccine herd immunity? How much would that cost? Consider the cost of vaccines, refrigeration, vaccinators, and hazardous waste removal. Just look at chicken pox vaccine at $7.25 per dose for the CDC discounted price. Each child gets 2 doses. The US census shows 25.7 million children between 0-5 years. Just the cost of the vaccines to vaccinate each of those children, not including the lifetime of boosters, refrigeration, administration and waste, costs the government over 372 million dollars. Chicken pox vaccines are now being exposed for the failure they are, but vaccine profits are still climbing. After the members of the herd stopped transmitting natural immunity to each other because of the vaccine effect, shingles increased. The response- more doses of vaccine for children and a shingles vaccine to adults. HERE is a recent journal abstract describing the failure of herd protection by varicella vaccines. In a SEPARATE DOCUMENT, Dr. Goldman says:
“Prior to the universal varicella vaccination program, 95% of adults experienced natural chickenpox (usually as school aged children)—these cases were usually benign and resulted in long term immunity. This high percentage of individuals having long term immunity has been compromised by mass vaccination of children which provides at best 70 to 90% immunity that is temporary and of unknown duration—shifting chickenpox to a more vulnerable adult population where chickenpox carries 20 times more risk of death and 15 times more risk of hospitalization compared to children. Add to this the adverse effects of both the chickenpox and shingles vaccines as well as the potential for increased risk of shingles for an estimated 30 to 50 years among adults. The Universal Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccination Program now requires booster vaccines; however, these are less effective than the natural immunity that existed in communities prior to licensure of the varicella vaccine.”
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