Food Safety Modernization just died in the Senate Omnibus bill, but I think Farmer's Freedom Protection Act is still critical. Rather than blocking a given law, let's define the relationship between State food producers and Federal regulatory power.
NC Electoral Freedom Act, An Act enabling open Ballots in North Carolina, and the freedom of the people to elect whom they please.
NC Marketplace Freedom Protection Act, An Act defining the jurisdiction of State and Federal food, Farm, Industry, Market, Workplace, and Labor Laws, and specifying Property, Ownership, Contract and Marketplace freedom, Unions and Labor Law for companies and customers within the State of North Carolina as being under sole State jurisdiction. (S.510 Nullification writ large)
NC Firearms Freedom Act, An Act defining the jurisdiction of State and Federal Firearms Laws, and specifying Firearms, Ammunition, and accessories made and retained within the State of North Carolina as being under sole State jurisdiction.
NC Ninth Amendment Popular Retention Act, An Act defining the rights retained by the people, according to the 9th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
North Carolina Open Caucus Act, An Act enabling open popular caucuses of the electorate on any popular issue, (Freedom of Expression Act)
NC Definition of Powers Act, An Act defining the powers of State Government according to single sovereignty, (Powers of the State government against the people)
NC Open Community Based Redistricting Act. An Act drawing local communities into common caucuses, and enabling them to draw their own voting districts.
I believe this incorporates my prior agenda, and more efficiently expresses the platform. Discuss further refinement here. Coinage act can be a 'subchapter' from Marketplace Freedom (in a separate bill, of course)
Thanks for all your help!
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