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US Debt Clock is Ticking -- DC Epic Fail on Spending Cuts

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Click on the pic to see the debt clock spin, but be patient if you do because it is loading a lot of data~

The only danger to this picture is that you get numb to the magnitude of the problem. Here are a couple of sites that will help put this into perspective for you. The solution begins at your household, and in your community, and in your state, and ultimately at the federal level. I would suggest that if everyone does what he/she can about the problem and will not tolerate debt at a local level, then we will be surprised at how quickly we can rebound from this problem. If however, we continue to live beyond our means the nation and this great experiment in liberty will fail, sadly.

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8

Are we fulfilling the instructions from our heavenly Father?

Some other links to help put these numbers in perspective:

Visualization of Dollar Bills here >>>

Obama Budget Cut Visualization (with pennies) Video

There are additional links on the Debt Clock site which will take you to a debt clock for your own state. I intend to post the one for my state on an appropriate state website. Hope you will do the same. In the meantime, please convince your neighbors and your church and your community to get debt free and prepare for rough sledding ahead. There is a penalty to a society for failing to keep promises that will impact every single one of us. We will have lots of opportunities to educate people on both the wisdom of the Lord and His instructions to us and the wisdom of our founding fathers when they gave us a Republic and a Constitution and challenged us to see if we could keep it.

There is one man who is telling Congress No and has done so consistently for over 30 years. Let's all continue to work hard to put him in the white house in 2012 so we will have someone there who understands limited constitutional government. Thank God for Ron Paul. His campaign website is and the Grassroots Team is

Posted: Sandra Crosnoe
R3publicans -- Republicans Restoring the Republic
July 28, 2011


  1. scrosnoe's Avatar
    can someone help me get the youtube video to embed please and thank you!/sc
  2. gabrielleholley's Avatar
    The US debt clock is a ticking time bomb. If you watch too long it makes your eyes go wacky and your stomach lurch. Indeed, the rapidly increasing totals on the US debt clock is a proof that the government is having a hard time getting a grasp of the budget. Many money experts are wondering if how long the US debt clock can keep from exploding especially if the cost of borrowed funds starts to aggrandize because even payday loans are not enough to repay the huge amount.

    Indeed, the debt clock is a concern of every citizen. Now, what must be done? The government needs to act quickly to correct this financial situation and the citizens must partake in every endeavor of the State. I know that this is not an easy task but I believe that if support is given to the government then economic recovery will be close at hand.