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Profit and Privilege

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Societies are defined by the ideologies which drive their laws. Societies can either be collectivist or individualistic. The philosophic difference between collectivism and individualism is grounded in their different views on what rights are and how they are acquired. Collectivists believe rights are achieved or granted through group action and that they can be increased or decreased varying on a groups ability to rally political forces. Individualism argues that rights come from divinity and that they can't be alienated. In a nutshell, collectivists believe that rights are won from political endeavors and individualists think that rights are attached to ones own existence.

Over America's history collectivist and individualist forces have wrestled back and forth to gain control over the federal government's domestic and foreign policy. In 1913 the collectivist landed a huge victory with the creation of the Federal Reserve. They took control of domestic policy by annexing the monetary responsibilities from the Congress. Now that the FED was in control of the nation's monetary policy a truly collectivist system ensued. Not long after the FED's creation a federal income tax so to popped-up. The notion of an income tax is complete hooey in an individualistic society. A federal income tax assumes that the government has title to any and all income an individual earns and that the individual is subservient to the government. A collectivist cornerstone.

So now that we've had this collectivist society for decades and decades what are its ramifications. Simply, individuals are now encouraged to act in pursuit of privilege rather than profit. Because the state can confiscate all the individual earnings they want individuals are now driven to action in hopes of accruing privileges. Rather than serving other individuals in a market society to earn their own profits people are now out to serve the state. Because the state, through the FED, has a government-monopoly on legal tender, they alone are the ultimate source for all privileges in the economy. They can issue cash to those they wish and they can confiscate assets from anyone they chose.

Its important to remember that the FED is a group of banks and that it doles out its privileges and punishments to other groups as well. The groups they privilege the most are the ones who are closest to them, their wall street cronies, their European allies and the politicians, media pundits and academics who keep the spotlight off of them. The groups they punish the most are the ones furthest from the FED. The lower and middle classes, the masses in the fly-over states and the suckers who don't understand the system. These folks are punished with inflation and stifled up-ward mobility. Inflation is an invisible, persistent and unavoidable tax which dis-proportionately effects the poor and frugal. Inflation punishes old dollars and privileges those with the new dollars. By the time the new dollars have entered into the economy the value of all dollars is cheapened. Lower and middle class families are left to work harder for cheaper dollars while the Wall street elitists are further privileged and separated from the rest.

FED apologists and collectivist everywhere claim that individualistic societies are inherently unfair. They claim that it is a government's duty to protect their citizens and to make them safe from unsavory businessmen and ruthless entrepreneurs. They assert that without a government to protect and serve the population chaos, slavery and misery would spawn and their would be no growth or increases in standards of living. They believe that our country's greatness and successes have been because of their government intervention and control. They are completely wrong and seriously in denial.

The argument that individualistic societies are callous and violent with no recourse for justice is a joke. It forgets that governments in an individualistic society are responsible to the people not the other way around. In an individualistic society all citizens have equal rights because their are no special rights doled out or withheld. In an individualistic society people act voluntarily with others to live their own lives as they see fit and are punished only for coercion, violence or theft against another individual. In this society people are peaceful not because it is the law but because it is in their own self-interest. They profit from being civil and productive. In a collectivist society the opposite is true, individuals act against one another in specific groups to gain a leg up on others. Recourse from violence and oppression in a collectivist society is limited because violence and oppression are justified by the government to provide for the society's protection and safety.

The American political fight today is not between establishment party bosses and their media pundits over how to best continue our collectivist UN police state. But rather it is those of us who still believe in divinity, natural rights and the individual and who understand the causes of our national woes versus those who use our rhetoric to mislead and confuse would be individualistic voters into supporting collectivist candidates.

