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the truth about the federal reserve

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Throughout previous generations in America, stories have always been told about how gas could be bought for 25 cents a gallon or how you could go down to the store and get a piece candy for an inexpensive nickel. Yet we wonder why prices for, what it seems, anything and everything has skyrocketed throughout the years. Do prices just gradually rise based on how much store and business owners want? Or has this problem crept out of American wallets and increased over the years without us knowing?

According to this graph, inflation has increased nearly 2000% since 1913. Meaning an item purchased in 1913 for $20.00 would now approximately cost $440.52 ( Why 1913? 1913 is when this
Economic crisis was born and is continuously being developed. It all started when businessman N.M. Rothschild teamed up with major bankers and some of the richest businessmen in the nation; J.P. Morgan, David Rockefeller, etc. to buy rights which allowed them to create the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a system which allows these major “Robber Barons” or “monopolies” to print the United States government our money, but also forces the government to pay the money back in interest, which in turn makes U.S. citizens pay more taxes. The major Economic impacting downside however is that the money we use to pay interest back to this private company also comes from these bankers, causing a never-ending cycle of debt the U.S. Govt. has, in turn raising Americans taxes and causing a historic amount of inflation.
To make this Federal Reserve concept simpler, imagine there is a fellow peer at school who is the only student who owns pencils. Everyone needs them but he is the only one who has them, yet he has an unlimited amount. He lends them out, but at a cost. Every time he lends you a pencil he requires that same pencil back but also wants another pencil back later for going through the trouble of letting you borrow his. So that means you have to borrow another pencil so you can pay back the one he lent to you earlier. But where do you get the other pencil to pay him back? From the source of pencils of course. So you go back to the pencil owning student and ask for another pencil so you can pay him back your debt and he gladly agrees. But now, you since you borrowed that pencil, you now owe him 3 pencils, but in reality you are in a never-ending cycle of debt. This is exactly how the Federal Reserve System works.
Although it seems like a very obvious scam, these wealthy businessmen did a tremendous job of making it seem like this would be one the greatest step America could make as a country. For instance, these “pencil owners” had many deceptions along the lines of... “Imagine that anytime time you ever needed money we can give it to you, all you need to do is sign on the dotted line.” Or “why would interest matter when we can give you an unlimited amount of money.” Yet they didn’t go in depth about the fact that all the money we receive would put us in a never-ending debt. This bill ended up being passed at a meeting on Jekyll Island in 1913. They made this Federal Reserve idea seem so complicated yet so great that the only congress men who understood it still voted for the idea because they were either payed off, or blinded by the major profits and “benefits” of this so called “Federal” reserve system. An interesting quote from congressmen Woodrow Wilson shows just how much power it really gave this small group of businessmen. “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
How do they get away with this? How can man be so blind? According to author Gary Allen, in his book, None Dare Call it a Conspiracy, The Federal Reserve has huge ties in major business corporations allowing them to keep this knowledge secret. For example, the Federal Reserve has ties in “Citibank, Chase, Manhattan, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, Bankers Trust Company, National Bank of North America, and the Bank of New York. Among others are: Dillon, Rand, Standard oil, NBC, CBS, Lehman Bros. IBM Time, Life, Hudson institute, Goldman, Sachs, Xerox, Fortune, Look Fund for Republic, Eastman, Kodak, Newsweek, Brookings Institute, New York Times, Pan American, Washington Post, Firestone, LA times, Lovestone, U.S. Steel, New York post, Dubinsky, McGraw- Hill (school textbooks), Reuther, Simon and Shuster, ADA, Harper Bros, L.I.D, Book of the month, U.W.F., Saturday Review, Business week and more” Having ties in all these major corporations allows the federal reserve to have an even greater amount of power. To show, the New York Times and other media companies they own have them to stay well hidden to common knowledge. This greatly decreases the chance of the common man to learn about the conspiracy. Also, they own all major textbook corporations, which make it virtually impossible for students in public schools to learn about this conspiracy. They pay off corrupt government officials to help them stay in power.
These next couple facts are just theories but they are theories which I believe to be true and in which facts seem to support. Politician Ron Paul has been working for over 40 years to end the fed and finally received many sponsors to help him audit the fed ( Along with these sponsors, a huge majority vote from all the representatives helped. However, all of his sponsors bailed on him at the last second. This is most likely because of the massive amount of wealth the Federal Reserve has control of. Think about it… how hard would it be for the fed to pay off a couple million to a representative when you own over 14 trillion dollars of money America doesn’t have. How many politicians wouldn’t bail out if being paid enough to live off of for a life time? Like I said, this is just a theory, but the suspicion based on facts is there. Another theory has to do a lot with John F Kennedy’s assassination. According to journalist John B Curran, “On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, which was an executive order, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Fed Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business”( This means that President Kennedy was one of the first presidents to take a stand against the Federal Reserve and win, but conveniently for the fed, John F. Kennedy was shortly assassinated a few months later, before the executive order could be completed. Is this merely just a coincidence? I’ll let you decide.

Works Cited
“None Dare Call it Conspiracy” By Gary Allen Written in 1972

“ “

“I am a most unhappy man…” Woodrow Wilson After passing bill to create Federal Reserve

Inflation graph from “”

John B Curran (
