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Starting blog with tags for "quick reference" links to pertinent material

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Hey all - I thought it would be a good idea to start blogging my posts (and the posts of others when related) in key threads and on key issues (state PAC, media bias, map project, bill tracking, vote tracking) and tagging them with whichever of those categories they belong in using the "Tags" feature.

For example, I might post an update in my "media bias" thread in the RP 2012 subforum, then blog the post and tag it with "Media Bias" so that everyone can click the tag and get the quick rundown of all media bias, sorted chronologically.

I'll try not to flood the blog early on, but I do have a bit of catching up to do in order to "backlog" this thing. Hope some of you get some value out of it.



  1. nayjevin's Avatar
    This sounds like a really good idea... subscribing for sure. Thanks
  2. MelissaCato's Avatar
    I agree. Great idea.