Adventures in "democracy": an index of threads
, 12-30-2023 at 12:51 PM (23138 Views)
"'Our democracy' is always code for 'our hegemony'." -- Michael Malice
With the Colorado supreme court's (self-stayed) decision to exclude Donald Trump from the state's Republican primary ballot, the war for "muh democracy" has begun in earnest. There were hints and intimations of what was to come - and now, those rumblings have begun to bear fruit. News of the Colorado decision was followed by a cascade of other similar decisions, announcements, etc. from around the country - and more is to be expected as the fruit ripens (and eventually rots).
After the first three threads on the issue were posted, I added cross-links for the other threads to the OP of each thread. But as the number of relevant threads inevitably expands (as it has already begun to do), maintaining a separate index of cross-links in each thread becomes increasingly inconvenient and difficult, to the point of being infeasible. So I decided to create this blog post as a "master index" for all the relevant threads. This way, I will only have to maintain and update a single list of links, and I can just add a single link (for this blog post) to each new relevant thread that is posted.
So without further ado, here are the threads concerning the goings-on in what I will refer to as "Adventures in 'democracy'" (as you peruse these items, please be safe and try not to overdose on popcorn):
How it started:
How it's going:
- [CO] Trump Is Disqualified From the 2024 Ballot, Colorado Supreme Court Rules
- So when will "Red" states start removing Biden from the ballot?
- Faux News poll - 54 percent favor CO ruling against Trump
- [CO] Rogue State! Colorado Supremes Knee-Cap Donald Trump [Ron Paul Liberty Report]
- [MI] Michigan Supreme Court rules Trump will stay on ballot.
- [ME] Maine's Secretary of State removes Trump from primary ballot
- [CA] California will keep Trump on state election ballots
- Why Section 3 Disqualification Doesn't Require a Prior Criminal Conviction
- Ballot cleansing: Democrats are moving to bar Republicans from ballots nationwide
- [HI] Hawaii senate bill introduced to exclude Trump from ballot
- [CO] Will The Supremes Ban Trump? [Ron Paul Liberty Report]
- [CO] Supreme Court Hears Trump v. Anderson: What To Expect
- [IL] Trump is disqualified from Illinois ballot, judge rules
How it went:
How it keeps going:
- Using the 14th Amendment to throw Trump out of office
- Congress has the power to block Trump from taking office, but lawmakers must act now
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