Letter to representatives concerning Biden/Harris
, 11-09-2020 at 04:24 PM (8679 Views)
Good day:
Due to information that has now come to light I am writing to inform your office that I voted in person at my assigned polling station on 11/3/20, which is located at 7170 N. San Pablo Ave, Fresno CA, 93650. I wish to inform you that I witnessed the following at my assigned polling station: (1) each voting station there provided only black sharpie markers, (2) a new ballot was printed out from a printer and handed to me to complete and submit (and informed me I could not use the ballot sent to me by mail that I brought with me already completed), (3) I was never asked to provide my signature at any point—ergo, one cannot be charged for fraud without having first committed to an acknowledgement declaration or jurat.
It has come to my attention that sharpie markers used on ballots cannot be read by the electronic voting machines—that only black or blue ink is readable by them. This means that the votes on all such ballots were not (properly) counted. I have also noticed that the election map is showing Fresno County as being fully blue, while several counties to the north and south of Fresno’s are fully red (how odd.)
Also, I find it oddly strange that it’s being claimed that Mr. Biden has set a historical record for the most votes ever received by an elected U.S. President (a laughable assertion in itself), while in reality, less than 55% of registered Californian voters actually voted in 2020. I also do not believe that only 1/3 of Californian voters, vote republican—which the present poll numbers also do not add up with respect the massive losses that Democrats have taken in the House and Senate, yet, then the masses supposedly voted for Mr. Biden over President Trump? Bollocks!
Finally, to note, I am and have been a voting “Ron Paul” Republican, I voted for Donald Trump in this election and I don’t believe my vote was actually counted. This is massive civil rights concern.
This election was blatantly stolen by fraud and deception—after several days of silence, national ballot counting was prematurely ceased and the election was called early Saturday morning on 11/7/20 by the AP (yes, is now appears that elections are “officially” called by privately owned media entities in 2020) in favor of Mr. Biden—and it very seriously needs to be addressed, not merely through a myriad of federal lawsuits, but also by a Congressional Committee. Our current method of voting for our elected officials and ballot measures is highly flawed, the tallying software is wide-open to covert manipulation of the data—and now also including tabulation or vote-switching “glitches”, voter eligibility has no pre-verification process, ballot manipulation or discarding and dumping is readily possible, these and numerous other issues need to be investigated and prudently resolved. Providing the option permitting for mail-in voting was hastily done and the option for it was a grave error in both judgement and oversight. The criminal actions of election office officers and workers (largely Democratic), USPS personnel, and the press-at-large needs investigation for subterfuge and treasonous acts—i.e., there are myriads of videos depicting such unlawful acts publicly available on YouTube and also through investigations by Project Veritas.
Officials throughout the Democratic Party, including House Speaker Mrs. Pelosi and the contemptuous Mrs. Clinton, have openly stated their frothing contempt and desires to take President Trump out at all costs, even declaring him an illegitimate U.S. President and criminal conspirator. Mr. Biden himself stated just this last week that he did not need his voters to get him elected, but only needed them once he is elected. It is painfully apparent by the attitudes and numerous statements made by Democratic Party leaders they knew well in advance that their candidate Biden/Harris were going to “win” the election. See also: Benford’s Law as a further indication of fraud throughout the voting results—along with the reported tens-of-thousands of ballots that only have Biden/Harris or every single Democratic candidate marked on them.
Additionally, the morally bankrupt and ends-justify-the-means mentality of the Democratic Party has been directly involved in committing divisive acts of insurrection across America throughout this last year, using BLM and Antifa minions to do their horrid bidding; meanwhile, also manipulating annual cold and flu statistics to foist a fake global pandemic, as the so-called “COVID-19,” a hybrid cold-influenza virus created in a foreign laboratory under the coordinating management of Dr. Fauci—who himself holds no professional degrees or certifications in epidemiology, chemistry, or biology. It is utter lunacy to attempt to reason something that is empirically common in nature as being a highly deadly disease as is the case with COVID-19, which in reality is just one of the dozens of existing strands of classified coronaviruses.
Furthermore, Mr. Biden’s actions while serving as Vice President under Mr. Obama, needs to be investigated for, among many crimes, potentially including: treason, criminal conspiracy (including any arrangements he and/or his son, Hunter, have made with Chinese officials and any confidential/national secrets he’s funneled to them in any capacity), abuse of public office (e.g., threatening to withhold federal funding to foreign nation states with respect to either his son Hunter or himself being under criminal investigation), misuse of governmental resources (e.g., using Air Force Two as transportation for himself and his son to broker foreign business deals for the personal benefits of his son, Hunter), hostile work environment (e.g., public video of Mr. Biden touching, caressing, smelling, and groping children, wives, female staff or the wives of male officials, and others), sexual assault, pedophilia, child molestation (e.g., statements made about him by his daughter, Ashley, in her personal diary), wiretapping (e.g., spying on Trump’s 2016 campaign along with Mr. Obama), and money laundering—along with his son Mr. Hunter Biden.
Also, there are profoundly serious questions concerning both Mr. Biden’s mental competency to hold (any) public office and Mrs. Harris’s eligibility for the position of Vice President/President due to her neither of her parents being U.S. Citizens.
Weston White (Fresno, CA)
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