The New Hampshire House is well known and respected in cannabis reform circles as being the first state legislative body in the nation to vote to legalize cannabis. The brave January 15, 2014 vote inspired and motivated cannabis reformers around the nation, if not the world. Following the vote, cannabis reformers pushed forward in several states, with legislators in Vermont recently following the footsteps of their forward thinking neighbors in the New Hampshire House.
In a 207 to 139 vote today, the New Hampshire House again voted to legalize cannabis. While not the vote heard around the world, like the first time the New Hampshire House voted to legalize cannabis, this vote is highly noteworthy. United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently announced that federal policy towards cannabis would change for the worse. Some were concerned the changes in federal policy would intimidate New Hampshire representatives. Not so in the live free or die state! The 207 to 139 vote in favor of legalizing cannabis is the first time a Republican controlled state legislative body voted to legalize cannabis, similarly to how the New Hampshire Senate became the first Republican controlled* state senate to pass medical cannabis back in 2012.
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