Trump: "You won't see another black president for generations" because Obama was so bad
by , 11-26-2015 at 08:20 PM (30079 Views)
...neither do his supporters.
For instance, they think he's tough on immigration.
Trump opposed Romney's self-deportation plan, said it was unfair to immigrants (link):
Trump claims illegal immigrants benefit the US economically (link):Trump Hammers Romney's 'Crazy' Immigration Suggestion
The now-infamous 'self-deportation' policy proposal from Mitt Romney was "crazy" and "maniacal," real estate magnate Donald Trump said in an interview published online Tuesday. The former Romney backer said the suggestion, made during a GOP primary debate in January, made it seem like the Republican Party was hostile and anti-immigrant.
Trump recently said he favors a pathway for legalization for the millions already here (link):That Time Donald Trump Had a Meeting with DREAMers and said ""You Convinced me" on Immigration
“You know, the truth is I have a lot of illegals working for me in Miami,” he told them, using the term for undocumented immigrants those in the meeting found offensive. “You know in Miami, my golf course is tended by all these Hispanics — if it wasn’t for them my lawn wouldn’t be the lawn it is; it’s the best lawn,” Pacheco recalled Trump saying.
Trump said he knew the work of undocumented people is what makes his golf courses and hotels great.
“At the end of the day, what we’re looking at is a value proposition for America,” Tijerino said to Trump at the end of the meeting, referring to immigration legislation.
“You’ve convinced me,” Trump said to the delight of the activists in the room.
Trump wants to deport them all, then let them back in, then give them legal status - recentDonald Trump on Amnesty: "If Somebody's Been Outstanding, We Try and Work Something Out."
Despite his fiery immigration rhetoric, is Donald Trump actually a supporter of amnesty?
Appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Friday, host Joe Scarborough asked Trump what he would do about the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the country once America secured its southern border. After arguing the real number of illegal immigrants is much higher and saying the first thing America needs to do is “take the bad” illegal immigrants and “get them the hell out,” Trump sounded like he was open to providing some type of pathway to legalization for the remainder.
“And then the other ones — and I’m a very big believer in merit system, I have to tell you,” Trump said. “Because some of these people have been here, they’ve done a good job, you know, in some cases sadly they’ve been living under the shadows.”
“We have to do something,” he continued. “So whether it’s merit or whether it’s whatever, but I’m a believer in the merit system. If somebody’s been outstanding, we try and work something out.”
Of course, Trump again emphasized that before moving forward with his “merit system” America needed to “secure the border.”
This is in line with what CNN’s Chris Moody reported Trump saying during a press conference in Chicago at the end of June. When asked what he would do about the illegal immigrants already residing in the country once the border was secured, Trump replied, “give them a path,” according to Moody.
When The Daily Caller sought clarification at the time from the Trump campaign, a senior adviser replied with a circuitous answer that emphasized that Trump wanted to secure the border and didn’t believe in “amnesty,” but wouldn’t explicitly reject a pathway to legalization.
By the definition of the loudest critics of comprehensive immigration reform in the Republican Party — many of whom Trump has won over with his immigration rhetoric — what Trump seems to be proposing would in fact be an amnesty, which these activists define as any pathway to normalizing the immigration statuses of America’s illegal population, no matter whether those illegals would be forced to pay a financial penalty or even prevented from gaining citizenship.
Message to the GOP: Trump Supports Amnesty
Trump’s supporters loved his promise this week to create a “deportation force” to remove all 11 million illegal immigrants living in America, and his repeated declaration that everyone here illegally will “have to go.”
But his supporters tend to overlook is his other promise — repeated in Tuesday’s Fox Business debate — that under his immigration plan “they will come back.”
That’s right. Under Trump’s immigration plan almost all of 11 million illegal aliens (save for a small minority with criminal records) will get to return and get permanent legal status to stay here in America.
Trump supports amnesty.
On the Kelly File Thursday, Trump’s son Eric expressed frustration that the media overlooks this:
"The point isn’t just deporting them, it’s deporting them and letting them back in legally. He’s been so clear about that and I know the liberal media wants to misconstrue it, but its deporting them and letting them back legally."Eric Trump is right. His father has been crystal clear that he wants all the illegals to return and live in America.
Listen closely to what Trump is actually proposing. In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash earlier this year, Trump explained his plan this way:
"I would get people out and then have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal…. A lot of these people are helping us … and sometimes it’s jobs a citizen of the United States doesn’t want to do. I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal."This is a policy called “touchback” and it was first proposed in 2007 by moderate Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX). She offered a “touchback” amendment on the Senate floor that would have required illegal immigrants to return to their home countries to apply for a special “Z visa” that would allow them to reenter the United States in an expedited fashion and work here indefinitely.
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