Conversation Between heavenlyboy34 and The Rebel Poet

2 Visitor Messages

  1. I'll have to check that out sometime, but I'm not really all that motivated: I'm not cocky enough to think I could do it pro; I just do it for fun.
    You should critique some of my other shit. I've got some lying around the internet somewhere...ah here it is:
  2. Hey, just FWIW, if you ever get into prose poetry/epic poetry (ala Pushkin), you would probably enjoy the books and software by Randy Ingermason. His stuff is geared toward novelists, but it's useful for complicated poetry as well, IMO. ~hugs~ Try self-publishing your stuff on Amazon, etc, btw. It's more lucrative than Big Publishing nowadays, IMO. "Writing Fiction For Dummies" is pretty much a must-have too. Not only does it cover the craft, it gets into the business of selling a book, publishing, etc. (again, geared toward novelists, but good for everyone) ttyl. ~hugs~
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