Conversation Between Nate-ForLiberty and lilymc

7 Visitor Messages

  1. hahaha Well....I said I *probably* wouldn't, but yeah, you're right... that was pretty quick! I like to debate, but I think I need to do less of it. It can distract me from more important things that I should be doing. That makes me wonder, what did we do with all that free time before the internet was a household thing?
  2. "won't get into religious debates"??? yeeeeahhh. less than 24 hours later... voila! This place can do that to you LOL
  3. So far things have been ok! There are a lot of really cool people here. (but then, I haven't gotten into many religious debates so far.) I probably won't though, since this site is about RP. Ok, i'm getting back to a video i'm working on tonight - the 2012 version of one I did in 08. see ya!
  4. I just hope you don't get trolled hard about it. I'm sure you've seen that we have some foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Christian crusaders here. Kill 'em with kindness. Honestly, I think you'll be left alone because of the good work you're doing. Need moar do-gooders!
  5. heh...thanks again, I appreciate that encouragement. I wasn't sure how non-christians would take that thread, so it's always nice to hear something positive from non-christians on that topic. (I'm sure i'll be returning the *pew pew*later)
  6. hehe Glad you're a member here!
  7. Thanks for the kind words and +rep! I liked the *gunshot* firing back at me.
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