Conversation Between Anti Federalist and flightlesskiwi

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Police kill 8th grader brandishing pellet gun. your posts get more traffic.
  2. Haha!! A well aimed stiletto can do wonders, too. Haha!!!
  3. Exactly right.

    Sometime a blunt instrument will work as well.
  4. Dang. The thought "guess sometimes it takes a chainsaw to do a scalpel's job" came to my mind after that. It's like trying to make a point to a progressive. Assume the worse and hope for nothing more than honing your own skills, eh??
  5. Yes, I think it is.

  6. dood!! that's like the second time a green bar lit up after i repped you, iddn't it?! nifty!!! (and you deserve it, brah!!)
  7. i was gonna send this to you via PM but no dice. i needed some laughs yesterday, so i was looking at memes. i'm sure you've seen this before, but as i was LOLing i thought of you:

    insanity wolf!!
  8. More than welcome!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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