Conversation Between satchelmcqueen and heavenlyboy34

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I just got your comments on my youtube channel. Thanks! I appreciate you taking the time to listen. Please refer folks you know to my channel and my blog,
  2. thanks man. i have until sep 15 and if all goes well, ill pass and get a job. it is getting hard im not gonna lie. lol
  3. good luck in EMT school, bro! That's a very respectable job, IMHO.
  4. Yes, I'm the Photoshop nerd who can help you with your jeep pic. When you send it, make sure to send a note describing our conversation. I'll probably forget by then, lol.
  5. hey! i want a RP bunchie! lol!

    also i think you were the one who said you would photoshop a jeep for me? i havent been able to get a clean pic of my jeep yet due to rain/snow/mud. hopefully i can get one tomorrow. if so ill send the pics. i tried gimp BTW and i suck at it bad.
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