Conversation Between IndianaPolitico and R3volutionJedi

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, it's good to hear from you. It's nice to be up-to-date on what the campaign and the grassroots are doing...especially as we near the Ames, Iowa straw Poll on august 13th. Be sure to watch the debate on August 11th, fox News 9pm EST.

    How are you though? I've been on vacation all summer long. Jumping from place to place visiting people and going on retreats and stuff. How about you? I haven't been doing much at all on my youtube channel, It's kinda sad, but I don't know if I'll have the time to do anything on it. i have SO many stories and series I'd like to make with LEGO stop motion but it's a tedious process. I'm not sure where I'm heading. All I know is that I'm going to be a Junior in high school next year and I'm going to try and do my very best at school (without questioning the broken system of it) - which I've never done before. All I pray is that God guides my paths, grants me wisdom and peace, closing doors and opening others.
  2. Hey! It is "RedOnyxProductions" from youtube! Thanks for suggesting that I join this site.
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