Conversation Between RCA and CaptainAmerica

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I was the same as you are now in 2007/08, a minarchist. With time libertarians who continue to seek out reason will eventually realize that all States become abusive. All States require taxation. Remember libertarians are 99% anarchists. I'm glad you've made it this far. Keep up the good work!
  2. I don't believe anarchy is realistic although I love the thought of being completely on my own island away from everybody except my family and living without rules or kings and queens. I think that people have become so asinine in their reading of the law. Law is not suppose to be difficult,it is why the founders wrote the foundational law to this land so simple and understandable. There is nothing new to turn over under the rocks, and its such a joke when people try to intellectualize and change the interpretations to suit themselves in progressive agendas.
  3. I was amazed how many supported the gun ban including Ron Paul himself. Maybe you'll start looking into anarcho-capitalism now. I suggest looking into Stefan Molyneux's work.
  4. I was not aware of how ignorant Jack Hunter really is until you told me about his stance on the Chicago Gun Ban being overturned by the Supreme Court. The ruling defends individual right above state . This is the very purpose of having a U.S. Constitution and the states adopt the U.S. Constitutional amendments as their state constitution in foundation of law to recognize unalienable individual rights and protection of those rights.States can make laws as long as it does NOT trample the individual rights which are protected under the U.S. Constitution. Jack Hunter is totally ass backwards.
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