Conversation Between MRoCkEd and Kotin

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Yet another Rage reminder... lol
  2. Just a friendly Rage reminder..
  3. Don't forget the RAGE
  4. Dude my laptop is broken..!! Shit!!!

    That's why I haven't been in chat lately..
  5. Get in chat... RAGE is open lines
  6. oooook
  7. [stormcommander] i broke my lawn mower just now D:
    [stormcommander] ran it into a pipe
    [stormcommander] broke the pipe too XD
    [stormcommander] well it wont start because the blad got bent
    [stormcommander] *blade
    [stormcommander] so the blade hits the side
    [stormcommander] so now i gotta go do my whole back yard with a weed wacker
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7