Conversation Between Anti Federalist and Suzanimal

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thought of you the other day. I saw a misspelling on Poshmark. The girl was selling shortallls (overall shorts) and had them listed as shartalls, lol.
  2. HAHA! I just saw your post in another thread (I was catching up on forum drama) about Mr A putting me on a leash. I don't think he would do that to me if he could. Even though he complains about my oversharing sometimes (not on the forum but IRL. I'm not good at filtering), he knows I'm a good girl and despite my outward personality, I'm a surprisingly solid and committed person underneath. We've been together since I was 23 (24 years/married 20), he knows everything - even stuff he'd rather not know.
  3. Mr Animal had a midlife crisis.
  4. Suzanimal wrote:It's hurtful. I've been on the receiving end of sexual rejection and it sucks. Luckily, we found a way through it and after 20 years, still manage to beat the average every week.

    Yah, so's getting walloped with a ball bat repeatedly, but after a while, the pain just becomes a dull ache.

    Good to hear you guys worked it out though.

    Not like my story is anything unique, I'm just another middle aged asshole wheezing about it, after spending my life being a smug douche..."that'll never happen to me".

  5. I hit a button before I completed my thought when I sent you a rep yesterday (or the day before). Anyway, I was going to say, I don't believe in Hell. It doesn't jive with me. Pete actually touched on it a bit in one thread.
  6. Yeah, that pretty much nails it. I'm taller than Heat Miser, but other than that, yup.
  7. Ever since you made that comment, I picture this every time I see you get riled up in a post.

  8. Where's donna been? I hope she's okay. The health forum is dying - I don't think it can survive on orgasms and rabbit fever for long.
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