Conversation Between DapperDan and TGGRV

8 Visitor Messages

  1. The problem isn't me liking the university, because I do, I was just referring to immigration. I doubt I will stay afterwards if I will have to wait for nearly a decade to be a resident and even more to be a citizen. If you get any kind of coherent immigration reform, I would stay. I mean, I'm not in the mood to donate a large part of my income to a government who doesn't even want me as a resident or provides me the services I'm paying for through taxes.
  2. Agreed. It's still good to come here though....foreign students like our universities. Plus it's getting politically interesting now. I say man up and do it!
  3. Yea, your immigration policies are stupid and the more I read about them, the more stupid staying there after graduation seems.
  4. shit hit the fan :P
  5. Shtf?
  6. Fair enough....get that out of your system before you hit the states....unless SHTF lol
  7. I've been partying a bit. And I'm not a great fan of how this forum is organized, but I'll try to post more if you care about what I'm saying. :P
  8. Where ya been :O
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8