Hi LittleLightShining!!!! Saw your recent message!!!!
Hi Aratus!
we really miss thee! we've got much to talk about!
I like Joe Kennedy
LLS! saturday was quite a day! next year could have a bigger turnout! i do think the 2oo7 teaparty at the grand hall indeedy seeded merrily nearly all the later teaparties!
LLS... thee truely hath a full mail box! in reply, i have two coats, my tattered one i wore last year, my new~ish one is black in color with a hood and fake fur... i shall try to be at the auld grand hall on Dec. 12th, oh so near QUINCY MARKET!!!
Will you be at the Committees of Safety Tea Party on Saturday? I'm planning to be there and would love to meet up with you.
LLS! welcome back!
LLS! i'm going to be here, too... for quite a LONG tyme!
-------------- LLS! ...i might be able to travel -------------- to Boston when people go -------------- into how to get House 1207 -------------- onto the floor for debate!!! email me... do keep me informed! good luck!
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