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  1. Monsantoi Is Evil and I Need To Explain How Dangerous They Really Are

    Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post
    The thing about apples is, they have very thin skin so if they were sprayed with pesticides, no matter how much you wash the apple the pesticide penetrate through the skin and into the apple itself. Therefore you cannot escape the pesticide. The same applies for peaches, strawberries and any other thin skinned fruit or vegetable.

    Let's look at milk-- Horizon milks touted they were an organic milk and got caught not following the organic guidelines. These Federal/State guidelines
  2. Are Polio Vaccines Increasing The Rate of Polio Paralysis?

    Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post

    This is an excerpt from:

    Simian Virus 40 (SV40):
    A Cancer Causing Monkey Virus from FDA-Approved Vaccines

    The Creation and Production of the Polio Vaccines

    In the 1950s, scientists like Doctors Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin had isolated the poliovirus strains to make vaccines.[1] Dr. Salk’s strains would be inactivated with formaldehyde and injected into children. Dr. Sabin’s strains would be attenuated or weakened by transferring
  3. Why Iceland Should Be in the News But Is Not

    Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post
    Why Iceland Should Be in the News But Is Not

    By Deena Stryker

    An Italian radio program’s story about Iceland’s on-going revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world. Americans may remember that at the start of the 2008 financial crisis, Iceland literally went bankrupt. The reasons were mentioned only in passing, and since then, this little-known member of the European Union fell back into oblivion.

  4. They want tyranny.

    Quote Originally Posted by donnay View Post
    You think? As it stands now, we are all slaves to the Banksters--we are slaves to debt. Presidential Executive Order 11051 allows the government to separate family members "as it see's fit" under this Executive order--emergency powers (we have been under it since 1933, by-the-way). If we do not stop the tyranny, we will all be slaves on the global plantation!!

    As far as the witch-hunting society is concerned-- do you remember Ruby Ridge, Waco and Ed and Elaine
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