There are parallels with Mohamed Bouazizi tragedy in Tunisia that launched the Arab Spring revolution and the Eric Garner outrage. What you have is the state's ability to be recklessly violent becoming exposed and directed toward the most marginalized of populations. Whether it's unevenness in drug laws or other petty social/economic regulations... these nonviolent "crimes" often wind up ensnaring powerless minorities Minority in the sense of social/economic not necessarily racial. This ...
It's funny watching the flowering relationship between many in the media and Rick Santorum. You see those two will start fighting again but it will merely be a lover's quarrel. The real hate from the media is reserved for those who love liberty and oppose big government. To be employed in political journalism you take for granted that the government has a role in civil society beyond as a mere functionary defending person and property. In fact a journalist takes great pride in "being ...
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