Blog Comments

  1. playboymommy's Avatar
    Thanks for writing this, I really liked it. I've often wondered why do rap artists support who they support, but I wonder the same about any artist for that matter. Especially my favorite artist, Tori Amos. Art is about freedom of expression, so why would an artist support an oppressive government? I know they don't think they're supporting an oppressive government but I mean come on already. Surely they can see through the BS or are they too afraid?

    From Lupe Fiasco to Tori Amos, from Lady GaGa to Metallica - freedom indeed reaches all of us across the board.

    Comedy is another art form that screams of Libertarianism, imo.
    Updated 06-20-2011 at 02:14 PM by playboymommy
  2. TheBlackPeterSchiff's Avatar
    That would be awesome.
  3. Sub-Zer0's Avatar
    Very nice and timely article, as a rap artist myself, I would very much like to see "real" underground hip hop get more on the libertarian tip, fortunately it seems to be becoming more pervasive, if we could get Lupe Fiasco to look into Ron Paul and endorse him, that would turbo charge Ron Paul's campaign.
  4. Swmorgan77's Avatar
    Tactically, I have found that sticking to the moral principle is the best way to go. Get the subject off of the results of the gov't program, and focus on the fundamental moral question of the way it funds itself... force. Ask the person if they would be personally willing to use force to make you pay for a government scheme that you don't agree with. If they say "yes" then they're a lost cause. If they say no, then just point out that all they're doing with government is voting to hire some people to do exactly that. If you can facilitate THAT fundamental understanding, though you should expect a lack of immediate agreement and a likely emotional response triggered by this confrontation with moral realities that people are accustomed to avoiding, then you've accomplished the best thing you can reasonably hope for in the conversation. That splinter in what was previously their comfortable reality will work on them until they either rationally reconcile it and change their views, or consciously choose their self-delusion. That choice still has to be theirs.

    I've spent long hours trying to convince people that these "social goods" can and would still be accomplished in a free market, but the bottom line is that if someone will only consider freedom when you can assure them the results they want, they don't understand or value freedom at all and aren't likely to begin doing so.
    Updated 02-02-2011 at 12:16 PM by Swmorgan77