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  1. potato

  2. My New Pup!

  3. Vaccines and Ron Paul Forums

    If you are a young mother, you need to know, right now, that the advice that DonnaY gives is just horrible. She did not graduate from high school, and considers herself a researcher because she watches YouTube videos and reads conspiracy things. She posts these things because she apparently has a deep seated need to feel smarter than the rest of the world...painting herself as some wise sage in a world gone mad. In fact, she is delisional and dangerous.

    The articles that she posts ...
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  4. Deep in my heart, I know

    that hosting a picture in a thread isn't this hard for everybody. But linking straight to it was a disaster in that it was HUGE - filled up the whole page on the laptop. I downloaded it and then tried to insert it from my desktop, but no luck.

    So here it is: a picture of a humidifier (maybe) with absolutely no relevant text to go with it. If it's relevant text you want, go here.
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  5. Beware the seller giving advice

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