View Full Version : Here's a thought:

08-01-2007, 10:51 AM
I think Ron Paul should receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his answer regarding preemptive war in the 2nd Republican Debate.

I stole it from a YouTube comment : http://www.youtube.com/comment_servlet?all_comments&v=847J99MkUdk&fromurl=/watch%3Fv%3D847J99MkUdk

I wonder how we can nominate him?

08-01-2007, 11:15 AM
Ron Paul would win the Nobel Peace Prize, hands down. This could be a big bump.

08-01-2007, 11:19 AM
Great idea.

08-01-2007, 01:23 PM
Not sure you can win the prize for making a statement. Probably more action oriented. But if you want to try to nominate him, check this out.


(not sure which one is the official site)

08-01-2007, 04:22 PM
Any one of the following persons is entitled to submit proposals:

* members of national assemblies and governments;
* members of international courts of law;
* university chancellors; university professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology;
* leaders of peace research institutes and institutes of foreign affairs;
* former Nobel Peace Prize laureates;
* board members of organisations that have received the Nobel Peace Prize;
* present and past members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; (committee members must present their nomination at the latest at the first committee meeting after February 1);
* former advisers at the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

Hrumph. Looks like an email campaign won't do us a bit of good. Rats.

Thanks for the links though.

08-01-2007, 04:25 PM
* university chancellors; university professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology;
* leaders of peace research institutes and institutes of foreign affairs;

We might be able to get someone in one of these areas to put in a nod, but it probably needs to be for more than a statement.

08-01-2007, 04:52 PM
Peace prizes are such bunk... carter got one for negotiating a peace settlement in the middle east... that was virtually identical to the one Egypt proposed 3 years earlier, which he at the time refused. That gets you a peace prize?

There was a Russian submarine captain, who's ship was FIRED UPON by u.s. forces. He received an order to launch a nuclear attack by his commanders.

He disobeyed.

That guy should get a million peace prizes... have you ever heard of him?

08-01-2007, 05:20 PM
Is that for real, do you have a link I can read?