View Full Version : Fundraising strategies for everyone

01-24-2008, 02:24 PM
The following is a list of fundraising strategies. This applies to those who are maxed out, can afford to donate more, or can't afford to donate more. The campaign needs $20 million for advertising and we are not reaching that goal. Money bombs are good but not reliable as a steady source of funding.

- If you have an upcoming birthday, request donations to the campaign rather than traditional gifts.

- Remind friends/family who support him to make a donation and emphasize it needs to happen as soon as possible.

- Set aside a percentage of your paycheck to donate to the campaign.

- If you print/distribute your own Ron Paul literature, make note of the fact RP relies heavily on donations of supporters since he has to compete with biased media outlets who give the other candidates millions of dollars worth of free publicity. Empahsize this fact to friends and family also.

- When canvassing highlight the fact that RP finished 2nd in NV and LA (we know he really won in LA but people who rely on corporate media may suspect you of lying/exaggerating if you say that). Point out he is #4 overall in votes/delegates. Use this to prove the previous point that media coverage is slanted against him, while still pointing out his vote/delegate totals prove he is "electable", and the need for individual donations to sustain his campaign.

- Money bombs are great, but donate in the meantime, even if it is only small amounts.

Please post your own ideas...I'll add to the list as I think of more.