View Full Version : diffusion of grass roots

01-24-2008, 11:59 AM
We are getting diffused.

There are currently at least three different money bombs in planning stages.

Worse yet? Look at the dates:

Jan 30th - Debate Money Bomb Hour
Feb 1st: Ron and Carol anniversary Money Bomb
Feb 2nd: Faux news censorship Money Bomb

And this is only a week or so away. This diffusion of effort is not helping us. At best, it's simple lack of cohesion on our part, at worst it's anti-paul people playing games and making it impossible to focus.

Oh, and then of course there are the people who claim we don't need money bombs, we need to canvass. And while it's true that we need to canvas, we also need to get the campaign money.

Part of the reason the first two money bombs did so well were that they were decided upon in advance and that allowed the grassroots to focus on them. Look what happened during the third money bomb - the support was spread across multiple days and the impact was somewhat defused (though ultimately extremely successful - $2 million is a lot of money).

So, can we
a) please agree on a date. The polls set up yesterday were pretty conclusive.

That said, the 'Ron and Carol anniversary Money Bomb' is a great idea too - but that need not be a money bomb. People who want to contribute gifts certainly can.