View Full Version : Good tax article on a generally anti Paul site.

01-24-2008, 11:38 AM

Before you go there I should warn you that somethingawful.com is

1. An entertainment site. It will treat any email as a potential source of entertainment.

2. Largely staffed by people who do not like Ron Paul, Zack Parsons being one of them (I believe.)

If that's a problem, don't give them traffic. I beg you not to try to persuade them to think differently, or to threaten them. I've read SA.com since it got started in 1999 and threats and debate have never ever ever been successful. At best the most embarrassing emails sent will be posted on the site and ridiculed. Taking SA on will hurt Ron Paul. This is less fertile ground for campaigning than Wonkette, in other words.