View Full Version : JBS: Wisconsin Residents Fed Global Warming Scare Stories

01-23-2008, 06:04 PM
Wisconsin Residents Fed Global Warming Scare Stories

The John Birch Society (http://www.JBS.org/)
Jan 23, 2008


A Wisconsin-based environmentalist group makes fighting global warming one of its top legislative priorities.

Follow this link to the original source: "What Will We Win This Year? (http://www.conservationvoters.org/Public/index.php?custID=35)"


On January 30, 2008, the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters (WLCV) will hold its Conservation Lobby 2008 event in Madison. The purpose of the event is to encourage Wisconsin residents to persuade their legislators to vote favorably on legislation backing WLCV’s "Conservation Priorities." According to the organization, one of its priorities this year is to "Stop Global Warming by passing the Wisconsin Safe Climate Act to adopt a science-based plan to reduce Wisconsin’s share of global warming emissions."

The text of the bill "requires DNR to determine the level of greenhouse gas emissions in this state in 1990 (including emissions from the generation of all electricity used in this state) and to set a statewide greenhouse gas emission limit for 2020 that is equivalent to the 1990 level."

It further establishes "civil and criminal penalties for violations of the greenhouse gas management provisions. The penalties are the same as under the current air quality laws. The bill authorizes DNR to impose fees on greenhouse gas emission sources that are regulated under the bill. The bill also requires state agencies to take actions to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions."

Like many environmentalist organizations pushing global warming based regulations, the WLCV attempts to use fear to generate support. Its 2007-2008 priorities guide (http://www.conservationvoters.org/WLCVI/PublicFiles/Custom/WLCVPriorities2008.pdf) states: "Impacts from global warming threaten Wisconsin’s way of life. More extreme weather events such as increased flooding and more frequent droughts could affect Wisconsin’s agriculture sector. Increased pests and invasive species will impact farming and our forestry industry. Human health will be impacted by extreme heat events and the air quality problems associated with them. And the recreation industry faces declining fish species and diminished winter recreational activities."

This is baseless and undisguised propaganda. The evidence for human induced global warming is shoddy (http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.SenateReport), there’s no reason to expect more extreme weather (http://www.ncpa.org/pub/st/st285/), and in cold weather climates, if it were to happen, warming would be a boon to human health. In his book Cool It, environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg notes: "In Europe as a whole, about two hundred thousand people die from excess heat each year. However, about 1.5 million Europeans die annually from excess cold."

Maybe a little warming wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.
