View Full Version : Help me Find the Inaccuracy's with this Anti-RP Video

01-22-2008, 09:04 PM

I have this so far, please correct me and elaborate.

1. Doesn’t stand a chance in hell of getting the nomination

a. Tell that to the Voters in Nevada that voted him 2nd place in the primary
2. Against Abortion

a. While he is “against” abortion he feels this is a state’s right issue just like murder. Therefore while he is “against” abortion he would not enact a federal law banning it.
3. Opposes Student Loans

a. ?
4. Eliminate Public Schools

a. ?
5. Against Medicare/Social Security

a. If this guy did any research he would realize that while Ron Paul opposes these two entitlement programs he would not end them. His plan would be to allow anyone that wanted to stay in these programs to do so. The change would allow younger individuals to opt out of these programs.
6. Against Gun Control

a. This is true he opposes all forms of gun control.
7. Against FEMA

a. ?
8. Against Federal Farm Subsidies

a. This is true, and it’s ridiculous that my tax dollars go to farmers that don’t grow anything. It is not the governments job to bail out industries that are not economically viable.
9. Racist?

a. The newsletters were obviously written by a ghost writer. During a interview with fox he describes his stance on this issue very clearly. Being a libertarian you don’t see people as members of a “group”, you see everyone as an equal individual.

01-22-2008, 09:07 PM
4. Eliminate Public Schools
No, he's against the department of education, and believes in giving the power over to local government.

01-22-2008, 09:09 PM
That's a really old video.

01-22-2008, 09:09 PM
Against FEMA

a. ?

a. He thinks FEMA is a good thing? Seriously? The only help New Orleans got during the flood was from the Army Corps of Engineers. Take away FEMA's money and give it to the Army if you want real disaster recovery.

01-22-2008, 09:17 PM
Oh boy. OK.

1. The electability thing, I think you've got. Remind people that it's delegates who get the votes, not their ballot box.
2. I'm not aware of the lack of a murder statute at the federal level? If there isn't (interesting...), then that's a good analogy. If there is, then maybe not.
3. Opposes federal funding of student loans. States can do what they want, but philosophically, he's in favor of private loans versus any government loans.
4. Proposes eliminating the "Department of Education", which is just a federal bureaucracy, NOT the schools themselves.
5. You've got it.
6. Yepo. (this is just one of those issues that people either agree with or don't)
7. Against a mis-managed overly red-taped organization that prevented Red Cross from doing its job post-Katrina. (Incidentally, FEMA is now forcing my parents to purchase flood insurance at a high rate--or take a direct hit on their mortgage each month--even though there's no real risk of flooding (North Georgia mountains!!!)...down with FEMA!). But states can do what they please with aid. Oh, and the national guard is all about stepping in and helping, and actually does a MUCH better job of it (and they aren't going anywhere).
8. Yep, but he still pulled 10% in Iowa! These subsidies on food are part of the problem with the dead-ending Ethanol craze.
9. Duh! Anyone who's researched this beyond the first hype-article they see, realizes it's false. Use the NAACP endorsement, since it seems you have to fight racism charges with minority appeal nowadays.

Way to be vigilant, thanks!

01-22-2008, 09:18 PM
The problem with putting this link here is, this gives this dude more ratings on his video. (Personally, I would break this link right now, and not encourage others to go there.) I didn't even watch it all of the way through. He is probably a paid baddie. Now, 37000+ have seen this garbage, and that does not bode well for Ron Paul considering the attention span of some of the people who watch youtube. If this is their introduction to Ron Paul, it will be hard to change the implant into their thinking from this video.

The best way to respond to the guy is to create a great video response, using only Ron Paul clips to answer his slams. That is a huge project to undertake, but that is the best way to deal with this guy. You could also just write down the responses after you research it, and then video yourself speaking as he did in response to this attack video he did.

I am sure that on http://ronpaullibrary.org one could find old vids of him on some of these issues, but at least you can go there and read his positions for yourself and answer the guy this way. Good luck. I have not yet learned how to create the youtube videos, so I wouldn't be much help yet.

Goldwater Conservative
01-22-2008, 09:30 PM
1. Doesn’t stand a chance in hell of getting the nomination

Yes, repeat what the media has been telling you to believe from the beginning. That's exactly what they want you to do. Meanwhile, former national front-runners (and celebrities) Giuliani and Thompson have been soundly beaten by Paul in a majority of the primaries and caucuses so far, even though Paul has been operating under a virtual media blackout and is an obscure congressman. And for the record, voting for someone that doesn't win isn't a wasted vote in a primary since you're voting for delegates, and those are usually apportioned to more than just the first-place candidate.

2. Against Abortion

Not a federal issue. Paul would defer to the states. Want an abortion? Hop on a Greyhound and head to a place where you can get one. Considering the price of abortions, I doubt a bus ticket will set you back all that much.

3. Opposes Student Loans

Only government ones. Also, opposes taxing the income of college students.

4. Eliminate Public Schools

Opposes federal involvement, which is currently some 10% and growing with results heading in the opposite direction. He wants to make it a family and community issue, not the business of distant bureaucrats.

5. Against Medicare/Social Security

Opposes them philosophically, but would honor commitments. Allow young people to opt out in an effort to transition away from the programs. Or is "choice" only supposed to cover abortion rights?

6. Against Gun Control

True, although he's said there's room to debate what "arms" are covered by the 2nd Amendment. I don't see what the problem is, though.

7. Against FEMA

Like that's a bad thing? They haven't done much of a job. Return natural disaster decision-making to state and local governments, along with the resources to fund it since they would no longer be needed at the national level.

8. Against Federal Farm Subsidies

Which often go to corporate farms instead of small farmers, and which benefit many inedible or unhealthy crops but not edible or healthy ones, and which put developing countries at an unfair economic disadvantage. Besides which, that's not the government's business and no reason to spend our tax dollars.

9. Racist?

BS charges. There were some newsletters in his name written by ghostwriters. The racist content comes from a period when he was out of politics. Instead, look at what he's said and done since getting involved in the democratic process. You'll find a 25+ year history of voting against big government, against centralized government, against unconstitutional government. A clear, consistent record of classical liberalism or Goldwater conservatism. That's his legacy.

01-22-2008, 09:44 PM
1. Doesn’t stand a chance in hell of getting the nomination
- You already answered it, it's a long race, it's about delegates, and he's the only one with any money left in this....(besides Romney's personal fortune)
2. Against Abortion
He is personally against Abortion, but that really doesn't matter much. Abortion is usually portrayed with only two options, for abortion or against it. This is a false choice. There is a third option that gives the vast majority of America, on both sides of the issue, more of what they want. The added bonus is that it's the constitutional answer.

On this issue, the far left want 100% abortion rights at any stage of the pregnancy with zero limits on anything. That will never happen. The far right wants a constitutional amendment for a 100% ban on abortions. That will never happen. So, we face a choice. Either stay at each other's throats for another 30 years (which doesn't work well for anybody) or try to find a reasonable middle ground that works for the majority stuck in the middle.

Ron Paul wants to turn this issue over to the states. This way if the desires of the people of say California are different from those in Ohio, which they are, both groups of people can get more of what they each want. California could chose to slide a bit to the left of where we are today, and Ohio could slide a bit to the right. Then, the overall populace of both states can be happier and have the laws represent them more accurately on this issue than what is currently the case. So, overall, it is a realistic win-win for both the left and the right. (However, the politicans would be pissed because then they wouldn't have this divisive issue to use as a tool any more to get their base out).

3, 4 Education: The federal government took over education in 1979. Since then they have destroyed it. Globally, we lag further and further behind. Mandates go unfunded, and drop-out rates keep rising. This certainly is not model that we should be supporting. Control of public schools should be given back to the state and local levels, if for no other reason than they can do the job better.

5. Against Medicare/Social Security
Ron Paul will not end these. If anything, he would help those individuals who are on these programs. He has voted to stop taxing these benefits, which harms the elderly who are already financially vulnerable. Additionally, he would cut the fiscal irresponsibility that has been occurring which has turned these programs into one giant unfunded mandate. These programs, however, have not been as successful as everybody had originally hoped they would be. Therefore, Dr. Paul believes we should reassess them, and allow our young people, the next generation, to be able to set up their own private retirement savings plans. That way the money can't be robbed from them by corrupt politicians in the same way they stole from Medicare and Social Security.

6. Against Gun Control
a. This is true he opposes all forms of gun control.

7. Against FEMA
FEMA is broken....just look at the response to Hurricane Katrina. Think about how many lives were lost, and how much money was wasted and/or stolen. The simple fact of the matter is that responses to disasters have to be fast, and well-coordinated. Both of these critical factors are present at the local and state levels, because they are the first on scene, and because they train with each other and work with each other much more often then with the Federal level. If the resources are removed from the large, ineffecient federal level, and moved to the state and local level; the country would be a much safer place.

8. Against Federal Farm Subsidies
The vast majority of subsidies don't actually make it to the 'farmers' that you picture in your mind. They go to giant mega-corporations. At the same time that we are subsidizing them, we are also subsidizing the overseas agricultural markets in other countries....aka....our competition.

9. Racist?
a. The newsletters were obviously written by a ghost writer. During a interview with fox he describes his stance on this issue very clearly. Being a libertarian you don’t see people as members of a “group”, you see everyone as an equal individual.