View Full Version : Tons of PACS

07-31-2007, 01:16 AM
This idea originated from Jennifer Reynolds. She wanted to contact known political contributers. After some research, I learned that most of the contributions are syphoned through a PAC. So, I started trying to find any and all PACs I could. There MUST be at least one or two who will donate some money, right?

As we know PACs usually have one or two issues in mind when they donate. With DR. Paul's wide appeal, we should be able to grab some support. On the bottom of this post is a link to a site that lists TONS of PACs. They can be sorted by name or by industry (121 different industries). We are talking about thousands of PACs here.

So, to go back to Jennifers original idea. We need to work together on forming specific write ups for each PAC whos ideals are parallel with Dr. Paul's. Also, remember, many of these PACs are small. Regular folks who are trying to participate in our electorial process (kinda like us), so don't feel intimidated.

We will need to filter which PACs may actually donate to the campaign. Once you find one whos ideals match with Dr. Paul's, move on to step two.

Find their website, address, or phone number. The site I listed below will have the official name of the PAC and the name of the treasurer. We can find the website to locate an email address. If there is no website, we should be able to find an address off the FEC website. Then move to step 3.

Pre-write the email/snail mail. Cater the piece to the specific PAC you are looking at. For example, if you find a PAC named "Doctors for Free Market Health Care," then write about Dr. Pauls stance on Health Care. Etc... Once the piece is written, move on to step 4.

Post your letter here. Let everyone proof read it and get an okay or two before you send it out. Then move to the next step

Send it. Then go back to step one.

Some rules about the letter:

Nothing too long. Two paragraphs max with links (or hard copies for snail mail) to relevent articles/speeches written by Dr. Paul.

Make it professional. Edit, double check and re-edit. It's better to send out one powerful letter than 10 wimpy letters.

If it's snail mail you can/should include a brochure. If it's an email do not attatch photo's. We don't want it to be SPAM. We want to actually write these people. So be personable, be nice, and be intelligent.

These are the big fish, not the youtube comments. So we should spend our time wisely.

I think this could really help raise some money.

Any thoughts?
Anyone willing to help?

Here's the site: http://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/index.asp

07-31-2007, 06:57 AM
Great idea. I will do what I can to help.

I think this thread would be a good candidate to be stickied.

Additional PS:
After reading that web site about the PACs I am more convinced of the evils of our campaign finance system. Every group I clicked on was just a group that was designed to take our money away by buying off candidates to support their pet projects. I don't think any of them would support an honest man like Ron Paul.